Currently, we can see how schools and universities exhibit cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.
Every day, young people see a great interest in learning about these technologies, to the extent that there are schools that are making plans to add the subject of cryptocurrencies as a mandatory course in the curriculum.
It is impressive how students from all over the world are interested in cryptocurrencies and the subject is taught in many universities. However, the trend is beginning to make inroads into high school classrooms as younger students are fascinated with this technology. Recently, we reported on a high school in Brisbane, Australia, where students were so interested in cryptocurrencies that they were motivated to create a night of information about them.
It is believed that the use of social networks and everything related to communication technology, facilitates in these people the motivation for learning these cryptocurrencies.
On the other hand, a new study suggests that young people and consumers with greater purchasing power are currently and will be in the near future the most prone to the use of cryptocurrencies. The research, carried out by Accenture, also suggests that it is these demographic groups that could become the driving force for the widespread adoption of cryptocurrencies in the future.

The study conducted by this American technology consultancy, which analyzes the preferences of digital payments of more than 4,000 citizens of the United States, shows that of all the payment instruments, the digital currencies will be the ones that will suffer the greatest momentum of use by 2020, since, while only 8% of respondents currently use digital currencies to make some daily or weekly payment, 18% foresee their use in 2020.
The young people, referred to in the study as the Millennials, who correspond more or less to people between the ages of 18 and 34 at this time, demonstrate more enthusiasm for using digital currencies than any other demographic group.
According to Accenture, consumers are increasingly aware of the advantages of using digital currencies both through banks and non-bank payment options. The report also indicates that digital currencies were cited by respondents as the most promising payment technology in the market today, although there are still doubts about the risks involved.
On these data the report highlights that "despite the projected growth in the use of digital currencies, in the coming years there is work to do to influence consumer awareness and adoption, particularly among people older than 35 years."
To generalize the use of any digital currency, consumers need to be educated and have confidence in them as a reliable and easy-to-use payment instrument
On the other hand, it is well known that the acceptance of this type of currency in countries with economic problems is quite high, since through these cryptocurrencies, young people have seen the possibility of acquiring imported equipment and accessories, which in those countries in almost impossible to buy them. Likewise, this currency is also used to avoid falling into inflation, which overwhelms the vast majority of these countries, and which affects their purchasing capacity every day.

Therefore, it can be said that cryptocurrencies such as deeponion, bitcoin and others, represent a great opportunity for young people to improve their economic capacity, and also prepare themselves in new technologies that will allow them to obtain better jobs that will undoubtedly improve their abilities and quality of life.

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