Hacks, Bears, and Torrents: Oh, What a Crypto Day It's Been!

In the world of #crypto, it doesn't take much to get some people excited. In fact, if the wind blows, so do I.

Whoa! Did I write that out loud?

As it turns out, today's Crypto Digest is all about hacks, bears, frauds, and torrents. Or, another way to put that is: It's raining furry creatures and the lumberjacks are cutting them to pieces.

Image from Pixabay

Yeah, sorry, I see no lumberjacks. But there has been at least one cryptojack sighting. Read on to learn more.

Crypto News

When you're the leader of the pack, you're bound to be hit with accusations. What sucks is when those who would be disappointed in you send accusations to a three-letter regulatory agency. In this case, it's the Securities and Exchange Commission, otherwise known as the SEC. Mashable broke the story of hundreds of pages of SEC documents indicating that Coinbase is being accused of fraud--by its own customers. Ooh, messy.


Another cryptocurrency exchange on the opposite side of the world, #Bithumb, fell victim of a hack and slash. Some nefarious criminals with a computer on the tips of their fingers broke into the exchange and cut out some of the digital numbers known as cryptocurrency. To the tune of $31.5 million. Beat that Al Capone!

If that has you thinking it was a bad day for crypto exchanges, think again. #Tron had a good day. Its founder decided to acquire BitTorrent and that caused Tron's price to spike--like a bad 2005 hair day.

From Pixabay

Moving on, #Binance has Malta's back. In fact, the largest Coinbase competitor is a huge supporter of Malta Stock Exchange's fintech startup program. That's good news if you're a fintech startup. Which I'm not. But I aspired to be.

Hey, we all have to stand for something.

Finally, to round out the news, Bloomberg Terminal is adding a #Huobi family member to its ranks. The next time you plug in for some financial data, you can now experience Huobi's Cryptocurrency Market Index. It's kind of like cotton candy.

Crypto Analysis

On the analysis front, Seeking Alpha takes the day with two awesome reads. The first one is about the current crypto bear market tearing the flesh of fresh meat that tried to swim upstream. Okay, that's murderously graphic. Sorry about that. What I mean to say is, if you're wondering how to navigate this bear market, you should read this.

If you've ever wondered what Coinbase's CEO says to new employees, brace yourself. It's not your ordinary CEO pep talk.

Now, you'll have to use your imagination for this one. Actually, you can borrow mine. Think about a Bitcoin wallet hiding out in the Kentucky mountains. Okay, now consider a digital asset custodian for high net worth individuals taking an interest in that barefooted young toothless beauty queen and asking her to marry him. And before the two could tie the rope to the back of the pickup truck, things suddenly went awry and the hip wealthy suiter found himself looking for another bride. That's what happened when BitGo tried to merge with Kingdom Trust. And they didn't even need a shotgun.

Investment analysts are always beating up on #Bitcoin. In this case, Andrew Hecht at Seeking Alpha asks the age-old question, "Can Bitcoin go back to $1000?" Of course it can, silly, but will it?

If you're looking for a good book for those times when you perch yourself on your porcelain throne for a half a day, you'll love this long read called "Crypto Research Report." Doesn't that just sound appetizing?

And at the end of the crypto road is the ultimate Web feature on crypto mining. Do you have any clue, just one ounce of iota, about what happens when the crypto miners take over a town? Nope, didn't think you did. But the Icelanders do. And the Pittsburghians. And, and, and ... where else?

Thanks for reading. If you want more great crypto news, check out today's edition of Blockchain Times. I have not received any compensation, kisses, shitcoins, head nods, promises of marriage, or anything else of value for mentioning the companies in this post. All I get are your upvotes because I'm the #editor at Blockchain Times.

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