NAV coin staking guide - Raspberry pi3

Hello everyone,

I recently deiced to invest in NAV coin (cryptocurrecy). Since this coin is using PoS (proof of stake) i wanted to take advantage of that.
One downside to this PoS is that your wallet needs to be open for the reward (which is 5% yearly). In contrast to NEO where you generate GAS without having your wallet open here you wont get any reward unless your computer is on and you wallet is open.
If you want to read more about what Navcoin is you can visit their page here:

I have spent almost 2 days trying to figure out the best way to setup my raspberry pi3 since i dont want to have my pc on all the time.

Here there are actually 2 option, if you are totally new to raspberry pi you can buy a ready to run hardware from here:
Since i already have my own raspberry pi i wanted to do the work myself. It is pretty simple BUT there are so many guides and small things that caused trouble. In this guide i try to simplify the process and give a guide for how i made it work for me. Hopefully people will save some time following the guide.


The guide (using PC):

  1. Format a SD card to fat32 using a tool like:
  2. Download the image: NavPi v1.0.6:
  3. Use Ether tool to burn the image into SD card:
  4. Boot up your raspberry pi by inserting the SD card into the raspberri and turning on the power.
  5. Follow the guide (2.Update) here to update to latest wallet + bootstrap:
  6. Follow the guide from step where it says (Lock Down NavPi Web Access to local IP Addresses)
    Note: i had to reboot the raspberry several times before i got it to work!

Remote desktop guide:

Note: on NavPi you need to execute this to allow the firewall to let you through: "sudo ufw allow 3389", if using windows remote desktop (as I'm using).

**Video guide (not made by me but its very good complement): **

So Why i decided to invest in NAV coin?

  • Great team, many coins dont even have people or profiles listed on their homepage! Here you get the name, picture and Linkedin page for people involved. Also these people are not volunteer people like say PivX (which is also a very good project).
  • Great community (discord).
  • Active github update and good roadmap.
  • Anonymity feature.
  • Staking reward and potential for big price jump in the future (my guts feeling!)
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