I Exist Therefore I Am

I learned recently that displaced people, refugees, often have no legally recognised ID, so they simply ‘don’t exist’ on paper. They are like human transparencies, with no access therefore to education, healthcare, legal representation or financial support. They also become vulnerable to human trafficking and modern-day slavery.

The Catch22 is that unless they can prove who they are with their given paper-based documents, the database of which is stored with some trusted government body in most countries, then they have no basic rights.

What happens when that same trusted Government turns hostile and destroys identification documentation, or wartime destruction means all your information is blown up, or a natural disaster befalls your community and your papers are ruined, along with the physical offices who stored the original data?

Photo by Jordy Meow on Unsplash

Imagine the storage of legally recognised personal identification on the Blockchain. It cannot be forged, lost stolen or altered. Refugees with no legal documents from their country of origin can actually 'exist'…

Bonnie Yiu, a blockchain business strategist, collaborates with Tkyn.tech whose primary goal is to create digital ID for refugees or victims of natural disaster to protect their identities and keep them ‘visible’ and accounted for.

Tkyn.tech: The Future of Resilient Identity – Turning Invisible Children Into Invincible Ones

Listen to the podcast here: https://www.cryptoclothesline.com/single-post/2018/05/09/Bonnie-Yiu-of-Tykn-on-Crypto-Clothesline

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