That Time We Were Streaming Live on YouTube for 90 Minutes While YouTube Was Down for 90 Minutes

Just found this post in my Steemit editor, for some reason didn't get published earlier.

You couldn't make this shit up. No really.

Some might call me a #CoincidenceTheorist. I disavow that claim. We all have our own difference coefficient of coincidence - the threshold where we say there are just too many random events that are connected, it becomes beyond the realms of mathematical possibility. My own coefficient of coincidence is about 7. In the case of this #LimoCrash, there are dozens, arguably more than 100 coincidences or contradictions.

@liftheveil411 invited me on his show to talk about my Twitter thread investigation of the Schoharie Limo Crash that killed 20 people.

We somehow managed to be streaming live on YouTube, while YouTube itself was shut down worldwide.

As far as Nathan could tell, YouTube was up and we were streaming

The YT chat was going for the first 28 minutes, although it was sparsely populated

People started questioning the YouTube shutdown

Someone said something about missile going off in Israel

BOOM - chat was out for 20 minutes

Once it came back, everyone was reporting YT being down

Then YT chat goes nuts like Nathan's normal chat.

We had 400+ people on Twitch

I caught some of the chat:

Screenshot 2018-10-18 22.34.34.png

Here's the original video:

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