Crypto Commentary


Strong Grass Roots.

The consistency in anything's development is a strong core network of support. Bitcoin gets stronger every day. Volatility is part of growth and maturity.

If the volatility within a system if very low - it's probably not growing very much. There's an age old saying called, "growing pains". This can also be referred to as "retraction"....taking a step...or a couple of steps back before jumping a few steps forward with a Correction.

What have we seen from Bitcoin since it's beginning's?

  • An ongoing upwards trajectory of growth potential.

  • Compression of Time - Every time there's been a significant market correction....that time it takes to make the self-correction is quicker and quicker. Showcasing the resiliency and vigor of the Bitcoin market.

  • Bigger Highs and Bigger Drops.

  • A continuance in the ability to recover from all market corrections.

At the moment we are face with a rather significant correction in the markets - perhaps an optimum time to take a new position.

The psychology of,

Buy Low, Sell High

is a difficult thing to practice in application - real living. Here's why:

Being social creatures....and creatures of habbit, there's what is known as a "heard mentality". A heard can refer to cattle. It can also be a phonetic play on "hearing" ability. And it further can be regarded as to the "Here" mentality.

Keeping in mind these points of "heard mentality", a way to further define and describe it is:

The opinion protocol

Where the heard is moved by the most popular opinion and it's either a bull rush or a bear market in terms of the movement this way or that way. The bull and the bear are symbolic for the up and the down motion.

With the heard mentality really operating as an "opinion protocol"...the majority of people act according to what is "heard". The best human observers are able to identify patterns and sequences with as little as 2 times an event/pattern reoccurs.

The variance in terms of which we are able to identify patterns, trends, and behaviors is an indicator of our math and reading abilities. Because the average level is in fact less than average - we have the majority of the market/world operating from a starting point of Fear. Greed is a derivative of fear. It is the fear, uncertainty and doubt that creates much disharmony for humans. It is the fear of missing out that drives much of the decision making.

When we operate from a starting point of instability - how can create anything but instability?

The experienced traders and investors are basically gifted the majority of the participants wealth because the experienced traders/investors do not operate from the starting point of emotion.

There's a real sense of self-mastery in Emotional Fortitude.

What this means:

Emotional Fortitude - The courage in pain or adversity.

It is the willingness to slow down and stop yourself from moving within the instability of an energetic reaction. An ability to recognize emotion and feeling biases - step back slow down and do the math, free from bias.

The cryptocurrency markets have been a phenomenal experience and test of emotional fortitude. This opens up much insight into our human potential. Our ability to exist and function as common sensical beings. The interesting observation here is that there is always a number of participants within the market who appear to be playing without the instability of emotion and or feeling biases. And are thus able to hold onto strong positions and in fact strengthen strong positions.

It's fascinating - Bitcoin and Blockchain,

The not so talked about BIG THING: "TRIPLE ENTRY ACCOUNTING"

Sound kind of boring - "Accounting". Triple Entry?...ya ya, I hear you.

The real thing here about triple entry accounting is the removal for fraud. To have a public ledger as record of all the inputs and outputs is a way to bring transparency to accounting - while mitigating the factor for human error and deceptive practices.

It is not so possible to be "cook the books".

When we regard the importance of money in the world as a tool to facilitate the support of humans and all life on the planet - it's kind of a big deal to have an effective accounting system. The world at large is revealing the cracks in the foundation as we've essentially had a corrupt house of cards since forever to varying degrees of defeatism and inferiority and superiority power plays of zero sum gain.

We've reached a time of "open source" development. Where it's become somewhat common knowledge that what is best for everyone is to "share". To structuring things from a starting point principle and protocol base layer of "win, win". It's a flawlessly sound multiple that does not compete with zero sum games which are: "win, lose".

The zero sum game of win/lose cannot compete with a win - win model. However, a "win/lose" model can addapt in expand it's outlook and move beyond a limited way of existing and move into a more expansively creative way of participating. Hence - the "win/win: model.

From a political perspective,

  • the "governance" surrounding cryptocurrency is quite fascinating because there's been a lot of questionability about governments accountability - with many issues of corruption surfacing.

  • It's ironic that the way the process most unfold is with world government regulators helping in the law and regulation around and about cryptocurrencies. It's fascinatingly ironic because the nation government bodies are the most questionable and suspect actors when it comes to the definition of "bad actors".

  • Cryptocurrency is opening up an arena of world politics. Money has always been at the heart and is in fact the real source of politics. This sure makes for interesting times moving forward, specifically in terms of the "education" and regard around and about money. Cryptocurrency as a topic will continue to increase it's prominence as a hot button topic with an ever increasing amount of "opinions"

Widespread Open Source Support

More and more individuals are taking it upon themselves to share. To provide education. It's a fascinating point of individual responsibility and expression.

With more people taking the onus to share - the traditional "propaganda" machine is less than effective. What is happening is "bit by bit" the traditional ways of existing....the systems in place that have proven to be ineffective and inefficient are being replaced, corrected and or removed.

From my perspective:

This is a paradigm shift as a "structural resonance alignment".

In many regards this is a rather extensive process in things coming together - recognising and creating solutions for things that have been problematic in the past. The irony of course is that change has only ever been really difficult as a matter of communication. Creating clarity in the message and the direction. This is somewhat of a significant observation and realization, because communication networks are more available and accessible than they've ever been.

It's easier than ever for people to influence the politics of the world on a global scale through social networking.

  • Blogging and Vlogging

Who would of thought?

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