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Google started working with a crypto project for AI development

Google has publicly announced the start of filing applications for the AI Impact Challenge with a prize fund of $ 25 million.
The goal of this challenge is to create AI solutions for social and environmental problems. We have received information that among the applicants there is a Blockchain Solutions Company Ltd which invents a decentralized BlockAIp platform that will be governed by self-taught AI called Felix.

In a nutshell, the BlockAIp platform, according to its website, is a social networking and media platform powered by blockchain and backed by cryptocurrency with a convenient Personal loan service where users will be able to take a loan collateralized with several cryptocurrency assets. Furthermore, the BlockAIp messenger will be completely private due to the advance BlockAIp blockchain. It means that the only users will have control over their data. Therefore, needless to say that, it is a perfect time to have a platform that guarantees actual privacy and confidentiality to its users especially after the series of failures by the traditional social media websites and providers such as FB, WhatsApp, LinkedIn and Youtube.

Currently, the BlockAIp platform runs ICO which has started in September. The platform has already obtained $16m from its investors.
There are several reasons why it is so attractive for investors. The first one is decentralization and the second, as it seems the main one, is of course money. The BlockAIp platform offers 50% of the revenue derived from all incomes of the platform which might be equal $1b a year and it is expected to grow exponentially each year due to popularity of BlockAIp.

It is clear why ordinary people choose the BlockAIp platform, but why a well-reach company which is Google Inc paid interest towards BlockAIp?
The answer lays in self-taught AI, Felix.

It is a very sophisticated AI with ability to do everything what it has been told. It can be a personal assistant as well as a best friend to whom users can talk privately. Felix will be able to listen to people carefully as well as it can give an appropriate advice if it is asked so. Felix easily can pay for users’ regular bills, services and goods. It will be able to send message and reply on it automatically. AI can find an interesting articles, posts and pictures. As it has been stated by the BlockAIp team, Felix is a self-taught machine with endless ability to progress in learning but if a user has prejudices with regards to security s/he can easily stop Felix from doing anything by simply withdrawing a private key-permission in his or her account settings.

Anyway, how Felix is good, we can see in the near future when a winner of AI Impact Challenge will be announced.
The AI Impact Challenge is part of the Google’s AI for Social Good initiative. As it is planned by the creators, the initiative should help people to overcome the fear of new technologies.

BlockAIp official site:
Google AI Challenge:


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