Facebook to destroy Crypto market for the banks

When the banks collapse they take and control your money.
We now have a defence; crypto currencies.
Facebook in cahoots with western governments and the powers that be are going to try an put an end to this which will once again leave us powerless.

In about a weeks time Facebook are going to launch their own crypto currency called Libra.

They have got the support of big corporates such as visa, mastercard, vodafone, ebay etc.

They aim to dominate the market and become number one. Knocking the big cryptos like #bitcoin and #Ethereum then manipulating their currency to lose value so everyone loses money and faith. Restoring the power in the banks and leaving the people back in the hands of the big banks. Slaves forever more.

Now is the time to buy cryptos and spread the word but NOT to buy Libra.

Now its up to you.

You can start by buying crypto Eth or Bitcoin is good via the below link.


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