Decentralized Blockchain Crypto Based Alternative to YouTube - LBRY

So the world of Crypto is getting better every day. There is now a App Based Youtube alternative name LBRY (Library) that is Blockchain based (LBC Coin).

You can sign up for LBRY here!

You can also buy/sell LBC on Bittrex and Poloniex now!

The LBRY service is still small, like Steemit was when I joined, but growing fast. Best part is the LBC Coins are ridiculously cheap since it is so now. I just bought 1100 LBC for $40 USD worth of Steem I transferred to Bittrex a few minutes ago!

I will be continuously investing into LBRY/LBC over the next few months while the platform is still small and the crypto is still cheap!


Make sure you join LBRY!


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