RE: My last post regarding Cryptonator

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So about 3 weeks ago I wrote a rather scathing review about Cryptonator detailing the issues id had with thier system refusing to let me withdraw my crypto due to an error with their 2FA system. I spent weeks trying to get this to work so I could make a withdrawal but to no success. I had also contacted Cryptonator on as many platforms as I could to try and get a response from them as they had been ignoring support tickets for weeks.

Fast forward to this week and I logged into Cryptonator to have one final try at withdrawal before totally giving up and just writing off the funds as a loss. To my surprise the 2FA worked perfectly and allowed me to make the withdrawal that Id been trying to do for weeks. So as far as getting my money goes I'm happy but I'm disappointed that there was no communication from them in over 5 weeks. Either they just don't care or their support department is overloaded with people just as pissed off as I was.

Whilst I'm pleased that this is resolved and the fact that I used to love Cryptonator as a wallet and easy exchange I just don't feel I trust them enough yet to continue to use them anymore. I will sit back and watch what happens and how other peoples experiences are.

I just wanted to follow up as when I make a post or review about a company I think it's only fair that you should update it if new information comes to light that might help other people.

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