Getting Busy

So I made up my mind to get serious with my crypto trades and investments. To get started, first thing I did was fix my laptop.
 It's so great, to actually be able to say something and have the financial ability to carry it out. I budgeted some of the SBDs I withdrew and fixed my laptop, the screen was accidentally smashed and the battery was useless. So I fixed them both, and now, I'm ready to actively learn how to work on @blocktrades.

 Trying to get more knowledge about the crypto market. I know once I get it done, I'm gonna kill it. Just checked the marketcap, it's a great day to buy, but the inconspicuous facts are the coins that would yield maximum profit. That's the turning point in the business. To correctly predict a coins rise.

 So I'm gonna say this outright, please if you got skills or know people, try dropping them in the comments. Well, lemme go put in some work.

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