The first Santa Claus

First Santa Claus (Saint Nicholas)

              It was 4th century when the concept of Santa Claus was introduced by Myra now known as Demra. What  a good man born in Roman empire in the city Lycia now present in Turkey. Good men are not assets of any religion or the nation they just born to lift the humanity upto sky. Saint Nicholas was a generous man of his valley known for giving away gifts to poor's. The most appreciating thing was he gave money to pious Christian daughters so they would not turn there way to prostitution. He was very religious and devoted all his life for humanity. Let me tell you this is the man portrayed as the long beard with conical caps over his head.

Christmas Date in middle ages (6 December)

        25th of December was always not the date of giving git to the Childs. In middle ages this date was 6th of December after some reformations this date moved to 25th of December.

Martin Luther was the man to start giving gifts on 25 December actually he laid down the base of todays Christmas.

Father of Christmas

            it was back in 16th century a new generous man born in valleys of England with a typical dress of large green robes in white fur. That was the first symbol of the modern Santa Claus.

It was the time when the date of Christmas moved from 6th of December to 25th of December which is now a days the actual date to celebrate Christmas.

Modern Christmas

        What a day when two armies fighting against each other eventually become allies for a day of Christmas this eve made a new base of modern Christmas to forget all the deeds of bad days and let yourselves to love each others with order of beloved Lord. 

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