The Decentralization Revolution is Here

There is a great revolution happening in the world at present. The revolution is one of decentralization. Existing power structures are being questioned and newer and better alternatives created. Those in power are no longer secure in the belief that their reigns will last forever. The proletariat is raising its voice.

Bitcoin first, then Ethereum, and now Monero are stepping up the attack on the powers-that-shouldn't-be. Those wielding power are finally being held accountable for their actions. The Crypto Revolution cannot be stopped by any force on Earth. It is well and truly here. No amount of state repression or military intervention can stop the power of the creative minds at play.

We are truly in a time of great ferment and innovation, and we are the better for it. In the months and years to come, monopolies will be broken.

I for one am a supporter of this revolution.I am happy to note that elected representatives will soon have no option but to listen to their constituents. Crony capitalism will become a pale shadow of its current form. We will be more in charge of our destinies than ever before! And we will be more in control of our finances than we can even imagine.

One name started this current wave of payback: Satoshi Nakamoto. In the years to come, it will be held in high esteem and uttered with respect. It will be in the same league as Wang Weilin, Edward Snowden, and Andreas Antonopoulos.

"I would rather be without a state than without a voice."
****Edward Snowden

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