Burger King will accept Bitcoin in 20 locations in Venezuela


As many already know, the Venezuelan currency is in really bad shape. Since 2013 the currency value has dropped as much as 50% a year.

I couldn't find a more updated chart on the price

Crypto has become a more popular form of currency in Venezuela since the Bolivar's decline. If cryptocurrency have any chance to become mainstream, Venezuela is leading that charge.

Burger King is partnered with Cryptobuyer to allow Venezuelans to pay in crypto. From what I can see Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dash, Litecoin are supported. I also noticed the Binance symbol in the video but I can't recognize the other symbol.

See it in action (Instagram Video)

“The growth of Cryptobuyer in South America, especially in Venezuela, is another example of how this region is ahead of the curve in adopting cryptocurrency as a real method of payment. Venezuela presents a mix of circumstances that make it a perfect place to deploy real-world cryptocurrency solutions – hyperinflation, cash shortages, deteriorated banking and communication infrastructure. Such factors, in conjunction with the government’s initiative to use cryptocurrency as a payment method, will push use and adoption of these cutting-edge technologies, and we are really proud to lead this push.”
Jorge Farias - Cryptobuyer CEO

Dash has a post on their blog talking about the partnership.

How do we get Steem involved?

We need to get Steem listed on Cryptobuyer. I am going to reach out to them to see if we can make that happen, I will also pass this along to anyone I think can help.'

Having Steem supported would be a big win for both Steem and the Venezuelan community on and off Steem.

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