Tezos is Releasing It’s ICO on July 1! What a coincidence, me too!

This week, I heard those folks at Bancor raised 150 MILLION DOLLARS in their token generation event/ICO. And I thought to myself: “Holy shit that’s like money you EXIT on, not START a company with!” But hey, what do I know? 

I also heard that practically anyone could raise money through an ICO, so I thought: “Wait a minute, I AM anyone!” And that pretty much sums up the origin story for this ICO.

So, mark your calendars guys. Get your funds ready, because come July-ish – Happy Coin will be unleashed upon you. Please read this post below for full details. I do not have a link to a cool/gimmicky website for this.  

The Token 

Yes, I know Happy Coin is a lame name. But all the cool sci-fi ones were already taken. 

The Mission 

We want to DECENTRALIZE happiness. Happiness should be TRUSTLESS, ANONYMOUS and EVOLUTIONARY and REVOLUTIONARY and WHATNOT. It most definitely will be built on the block-chain, and follow the DAMNHAPPY protocol.

The Team 

I know I say “we” want to decentralize happiness. But for full disclosure, you should know that our team just includes myself at the moment. I’m the whole entire team.  (We’re hiring!) 

The Advisory 

Been getting a lot of good advice from the very best people in the industry. I follow ALL of them on Twitter. 

The Whitepaper 

Don’t have one. Best not to bore you with the details. Who reads the whitepaper anyway?

The Roadmap | 2017-2025

Developed the roadmap while I was drunk, so it might not be completely well thought-out. But hey, everyone knows plans change, and like I can predict the future?        


Why do I need a token for happiness?


Hey man, don't question it. Ignorance will bring you bliss. Namaste.


Thanks for reading this, you must be really bored. Now, I'm gonna go figure our how to program a smart contract on Ethereum. 

P.S. Watch this space. All marketing and communications for Happy Coin will be carried out exclusively on Steemit. Gonna skip YouTube because that's ONLY for crypto trading advice, french bulldog puppies, and cover versions of One Direction songs. And NOT for watching ads about eToro. 

P.P.S. My post's all in good fun. With a little sarcasm sprinkled in. If you like it, please STEEM the SHIT out of it. Thanks :) 


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