Dapp Review- The World of Dapps

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Dapp Review is a another helpful website that shows the different DApps on EOS, Tron, Ethereum, Nebulas, and Neo for now. If you want a chance to survive or even thrive in this bear market then putting some money into these DApps is probably a good idea. https://dapp.review/explore

I'm currently invested into a few of them including War Riders, CryptoMinerWorld, and a few more. Investing into DApps can be risky, but investing into very low market cap coins is also very risky as well, especially if these coins are only listed on only 1 or 2 exchanges. Some of these Dapps should be avoided indefinitely, but looking at Dapp review you are able to sort by how many transactions in the last 24 hours and also how many users in the last 24 hours.

Dapp review also gives you a good idea of how many DApps currently exist on each blockchain. Ether definitely has the most, EOS has the second most according to this website with 208, and Tron is in 3rd with 33 Dapps. It looks to me like there is currently a glitch showing that Nebulas has over 300 Dapps.

Once you click on ETH for example, you are able to see the most popular DApps like IDEX, but you can also click on game to search for the most popular games on Ethereum. You are also able to click on High-Risk to see the apps considered to be high risk according to this website.

Most of the information about Dapps on this website seems to be fairly accurate and I haven't seen a ton of promoted Dapps. A couple of days ago Dapp review was featuring an article on their website that was accusing Dapp Radar of accepting EOS payments in order to feature some popular EOS Dapps on their website as the most transacted Dapps when really it was mainly bots making up all these transactions. It's helpful to know this information before investing, but it's also important to invest in Dapps that you actually want to be involved in and that you're not just looking at this information to make your decisions.


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