Here's My 1-Million-Dollar-Tip On How To March Through The Crypto Valley Of Tears

Lethargy is the forerunner of death to the public liberty. - Thomas Jefferson

When was the last time your lethargic behavior led to something really outstanding?

Not sure what about you, but I've never ever accomplished anything in my life by wallowing in self-pity.

Yes, the current situation at the crypto markets totally sucks. But today I'll be suggesting you an absolutely wild and crazy strategy in order to march through that long valley of tears.

What you need to know is that I was already here when Steem price was at 9 cents. No, not $9.00 dollars, I said $0.09 dollars.

Do you want to know how I managed to survive the big depression?

It's not what you think.

@surfermarly not doing anything at all (that's what you think)

Walk, steemians. Walk.

Human beings are goal oriented creatures, so I'll be serving you a couple of appetizers here.

You may have forgotten that in the young past of this blockchain, Steem has originated at least one millionaire named @trafalgar.

It will completely surprise you, but he made his first million on Steem (yes, I mean it: $1,000,000) buying the dip.

I loved it. I wanted to buy Steem. (...) The price remained low for a while, probably because the latest changes at the time reset the rewards pool, but I was as confident as Quasimodo with a bottle of roofies in his pocket that things were going to change for the better. Spoiler alert: god damn, was I right. - 3 months, 1000 Followers and $1 Million Later...

No, that's not a joke.

He really made a million with Steem, and I bet he's not gonna be the last one in doing so.

Oh I know what you wanna say: well if you don't have the money to buy the dip, then you can still blog post the hell out of this blockchain, can't you?

Do you know how much I've earned on Steem so far? More than 30,000 Steem, worth $70,000 USD (before tax) - only by blogging.

If you need more evidence:

Source: Steemworld by @steemchiller

I'm really sorry to not engage with your damn lethargy.


Do you know the sweat equity principle?

Hopefully most of you are familiar with the Steem whitepaper.

This here is one of my favourite parts:

All forms of capital are equally valuable. This means that those who contribute their scarce time and attention toward producing and curating content for others are just as valuable as those who contribute their scarce cash. This is the sweat equity principle and it's a concept that prior cryptocurrencies have often had trouble providing to more than a few dozen individuals. - Steem whitepaper, page 5

It's not a written delusion, it's the very truth.

Yet, for most of you it may be more comfortable to point a finger at someone else before getting your own hands dirty.

While some of you spend hours in complaining about the delayed schedule of the Steemit, Inc developers team, others use their valuable time in order to engage with the community and keep their accounts growing.

Funny enough, some of the currently loudest complainers in the comment section of @steemitblog's updates on SMTs are those who already announced to leave Steem when Dan Larimer resigned.

So now I must power down. This looks like game over for Steem. (author not tagged in order to avoid drama)

Interesting to know that Steem was game over in April 2017... I must have missed that part of the movie.


I'm close to 10,000 followers on Steem now, and I doubt they'd be there if I was a negative moaner, especially great at complaining all day long.

Negative feedback, if not constructive, is as valuable as a piece of stale bread.

The next time you decide on calling someone else to account for your own lethargy, think twice.

@trafalgar didn't become Steem's first millionaire because he was especially good at whining.

See you on the greener side of the fence 😉

Much love,
Marly -
Steem Ambassador
This blog was created in July 2016, aiming to provide thought-provoking content for open-minded people who go on adventure, step out of comfort zones and embrace the new.
Thanks for being part of the journey!


PS: All my blog posts are created and submitted via eSteem Surfer 1.1.11 - my favorite Steem desktop client that was developed by @good-karma's @esteemapp team. Check out their account for more information and updates.

Original content. Quotes found on and

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