Sero knowledge first ever privacy project that gives users full protection

Since the advent of blockchain technology, cryptocurrency have gained enormous popularity and expansion in the usage in different sectors, blockchain is often presented as an almost magical tool for solving many of the world’s problems, but for many this technology remains confusing and mysterious. The recent explosive growth and the adopting it by some countries have drawn a lot of attention and put a new focus on the topic. But asides all these great things brought by blockchain technology, there are still some deficiency like issues of security and privacy, with all these problems at hand, this brought the idea of sero knowledge


I have come with one of the best privacy coin project another sleeping giant warming up to be exploded, before I proceed let me go through the meaning of privacy and how it is applied in real life usage

Privacy is the ability of an individual or group to seclude themselves, or information about themselves, and thereby express themselves selectively. The boundaries and content of what is considered private differ among cultures and individuals but share common themes. When something is private to a person, it usually means that something is inherently special or sensitive to them. Despite all these good features of privacy project ,it still have some problems impending the growth. This brought the idea of sero knowledge

Sero knowledge is the first ever privacy project that gives user complete protection, in The other hand, SERO is first Zero knowledge proof based privacy project that supports smart contracts. It uses 3 components namely Sero Alien Castrol that can provide a complete privacy protection solution For DAPPs, as a an advance innovative technology components

Problems crippling privacy project at present

Decentralization tech and privacy issues
It is alarming the way big and small companies leaking privacy data of their users. Likes of yahoo, Uber, PayPal, InterContinental Hotels Group, US credit agency Equifax, UK National Health Service System(NHS) are not an exception

Blockchain privacy risk
Since transactions on blockchain are public ,it is easy for hackers to access transactions stored in public global ledger and use them to analyzed the transaction record related to the address and estimates the identity information of the owner

Decentralized privacy protection tech

Monero, zcash and dash transactions are not 100% anonymous, which makes it simple for hackers to monitor the transactions process to transactions result
Solutions formulated by sero knowledge to tackle the situation

Sero is the only project that uses non-
interactive zero-knowledge proof to provide complete privacy protect of blockchain and redesigned the blockchain structure and various underlying protocols. It integrated three components Sero, Alien protocol and Castrol protocol


Factors that makes sero project unique

All transactions on blockchain are stored on public ledger and is easily traceable for hackers, sero revoked such link
There is a cluster of addresses stored on the blockchain owned by each user, transaction on it can be trace back to the corresponding real user identity, SERO break the connection by using an encryption technology to make the payment address unrelated.
Anti-statistical analysis
Sero break the statistical relationship of data transactions and address on the blockchain, by hiding the address and the relationship between addresses and many more solution was addressed

Sero is the first privacy project that gives users full protection, it running on sero blockchain and support other sero asset coin. It uses it own wallet and their PoS will goes live on 15th July. It is already trading on crypto exchanges with cool trading volume ,it is a project that I recommended for users to invest because of it distinctive advantages over likes of Monero, Zcash and Dash

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