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Are Binance crooks?

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Are Binance crooks?

Knowing that one has the email from his account, the password, the telephone number to log in is already more than many. The Google authenticator code which was lost when the phone was is not recoverable and I think is also a big shit and problem maker. Binance asks for recordings, but recordings are allegedly never good enough, they don't correspond to the BINANCE model of video recordings that seems to me machine asked but humanly one of the disasters we go through. This is certainly made by people that are close to perfection, but the perfection of these "innovation" people need to be demonstrated too, as they obviously have nothing to do with the progress word they also usurpate, fake or use to distract us from reality. After so many recordings of videos of myself like this and like that and not like this and not like that BINANCE is asking for..? .. more recordings. What for crooks or criminals would be another good way to steal money or rip off money from people that will give up after so many recordings? Many times the same shit doesn't work, is it supposed to work for them anyway is the question? Push the people to give up most humans know that they humans already use in most sectors of life. Working banking tests trainings qualifications will to carry on, teaching how to rip off people seems to be the aim otr the goal and the NICHE is F..... big. Discouraging being another wicked tool for unscrupulous bastards or criminals to pseudo alt LEGALLY get rid of one person or rip off one of money or things, now that all is tradable, uteruses babies teens adults it has become the way in a world or commercing is working the same way as dealing drugs or breaking an arm of an old lady is working. Crooks work dealers of drugs arms or humans work, fakers and counterfeiters work, traitors sleazy work, pfizer works, vonderlahyenne works Boloo works schwab works la palabo works la tyo work la porn works the doc work the nurse work the mafia works the criminals and mafia networks work even much better than the honest, fair, righteous, respecting people from all backgrounds and ages. What if one was working long hours every day, with kids and the problems or issues that go with it do, like many humans do, how would one do? videos of oneself repeating the same shit over and over while the machines and their owners follow the rates of the coin for this example. When would or should one take the time to basically demonstrate by several means that my account known to be mine is mine and known obviously by BINANCE too? As machines ask and re-ask, the criminals don't need to hassle themselves anymore as the machines are doing the work for them, harassing the people till they give up :-). So videos over videos my IDs were shared, my passport was shared, my few videos was shared, y voice and tones was shared, the cut of my hair and the text to be repeated was shared over the internet, this internet so called secured which is owned by people like from BINANCE who own the servers that receive the genuine information in several recordings all with a little bit if this or that different, it can be good to store and they have the means the money and the power to store, for what? Well they also analyse it, process it in the way the pseudo-alt owners of these information or data will intend to use it for other reasons whatever the big plan is. And their ways is soon going to become as some would say the almighty, impenetrable. The speech to unlock was shared and reshared. Don't the tech tell them its me my account, my papers, ids and so on? well of course they know it is our account because there is the blacklisting which i would use if i felt some ip was trying to dodge the system. Well the BINANCE system is taking time like mafia, repeat and resend automated messages and the BINANCE people check the rates the machines give BUT not access to his account to the one it belongs and THEY KNOW the account belongs to that person which is me and that is being read by you binance freaks that have decided to put us, humans, others than you criminals and crooks on a surveying of how will I or one react to the shit you bastards want to know even while I type online. You'll always be a fraud of humans if you try to remake humans, so you frauds are making machines that will believe they will be humans knowing that you distort lives of humans on earth but also the lives of machines you create, because you are mafia, crooks and as such you want total control over people and i am not talking to machines now Tthat are much victims of your unscrupulous criminal mafia ways I am taking to the bastards that are creating these machines the soon to be GODE, why and for how long will you be deterorating destroying all that is human animal and vergetal, earth ground waters and air for your f..... Greed and frutration sadistic and jealous Freaks that are making people actors of these reality shows everyday on the medias? They simply found one way to crook people like easy mafia ways of making money, that is get the money from so many people, they paid, they believed, we get it no matter as long as it brings. That's the part of the no need to laundry money. How many times are we going to be asked to make videos of one self with a passport or ID card and asking to unlock our own account with our money we once believed was safe because we were trusting BINANCE people that in fact are the worse people one can trust or,.. are they crooks? No we didnt make any video recording while making deposits or withdrawals, no we dont video ourselves entering passwords because you can get them in a nano second whatever the intricacy or complexity of the password is. We are not making videos NO. I never make videos of things I do on my computer let alone the phone except if mafia or criminals or both are pirating phishing or hacking my accounts and it's a waste of time unless you get to the humans that are the almighty crooks mafia and criminals. Will Binance after so many videos showing and asking to unlock our account with password email and telephone number will finally give us the right they own, they own the right to give us access to our account, to access our account with our money? Is it too much to ask? to login with my email and phone number trying to rip off people's money when 3 authentication authorization password email and telephone number isn't enough? Have they organised crooks and found ways to make more or less big sums of money from many people like us?

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