Consumer Reports Issue For Next Month...Bitcoin? For Real!


My dad has always had Consumer Reports around the house. No matter what I have purchased in the past 40 years, my father would ask me how it was reviewed in Consumer Reports and what their take was. Televisions, computers, phones, cars, washers, dryers, internet service, vitamins, wholesale clubs, and the list goes on and on and on. This magazine has been around seemingly forever and has been a main resource for many (perhaps in only certain age groups) who spend money.

Consumer Reports  pic_0.jpg

I'm a little over forty, live in a beautiful condo in a quiet neighborhood, drive an entry level Mercedes Benz, go to concerts and go on vacations, buy clothes when need, go grocery shopping weekly, have a cell phone, buy get the picture. So of COURSE my dad has got me subscriptions to the two major reading sources for my family (besides graphic novels and philosophy books)...ROAD & TRACK and of course the above mentioned CONSUMER REPORTS. I flip through both of them when they show up each month and I genuinely...kinda...enjoy reading them.

Perhaps not everyone love to read about different cars and look at sweet photographs of them, but I'm sure that everyone likes to get a good deal on things that they buy. Consumer Reports...the old person's guide to saving money on everything and everything, and information source for almost anything that you would ever spend money on.

Yup. I said it. Money.

Consumer Reports even goes as far as to inform you about stocks and bond, technology, etc...

Let's take a look at the image below. I took these pics today while I was reading the May 2018 issue of Consumer Reports. You can plainly see the cover that shows the title (Consumer Reports), as well as the topic of some of the articles that are contained in the magazine...

consumer reports1.JPG

As you can see in the image, the top right corner of the cover shows that there is an article that will help you "BOOST YOUR BITCOIN IQ." For real? Is this really happening? Now? When the crypto market is looking so glum?

The bottom part of the image shows a full-page article titled: " STILL CONFUSED BY...BITCOIN".

This is a big least in my perspective. My dad who is 75 years old relies on magazines like this to help him do his own research on things that he needs and doesn't need. Now there is an article for him to read about Bitcoin in a reliable magazine? This is very, very intriguing!

Just another FYI: COINBASE is mentioned in the article as well. I'm going to get the jump on this one and send my dad my referral link so he can open an account...seriously.

Thanks again for reading what I'm putting out there. My thoughts are my own and they might not be that exciting, accurate or informed...but perhaps you may have been entertained for a few minutes! My little girl is sleepy...time to end the day.


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-Much Respect

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