Etherium or Stella: Who is the main competitor of the Rip?

22925eb5b375d23c471e06f7ff78eb50.jpgBy all accounts, Ripple's main competitor is Ethereum. And if it would have been a very well-known system stella? How do we tell you that these three crypto-coins are competing and who are now leading?

In the last six months, bitcoin shadow was characterized by many crypto-currency release and such a project was minor and its XRP (XRP / USD) token.

Last year this token increased to 35% more than 500%, which became the most profitable crypto-currency. And this increase could not get out of thin air - the company was looking for and looking for partners who would benefit from their tokens and its networks.

A significant breakthrough occurred in the mid-November, when collaboration with American Express and Banano Santander was announced on cross-border financing testing. As part of the pilot project, MX XX International will operate on a United account without using a card in the Santander and the trip system will be completed and it will be managed almost immediately.

Laptop is supposed to be used for money and, according to the company, average payment processing time is 4 seconds - in our financial system this term can reach within 5 business days.

Later, in January, Ripley announced a partnership with MoneyGram International, a money transfer service. This will test XRP on the XRapid platform, which needs to be removed for financial institutions.

Manigram cross-border checks with XPS as an intermediate currency for necessary transfer. So if successful, Manigram can soon get a significant competitive advantage.

In general, Ripple is managed to complete five partnership deals with well-known brands, as well as increasing access by banks in their repliant network.

Ethereum - the main competitor?7fb2b64adccaa0304b2129e9706ae380.jpgThe crypto coin has already given competition in more than 1600, there is no niche with this one. Through all accounts, Ripoll's main competitor, Atrem and Crypto-Air (Eth / USD).

The fact that Ethereum blokcheyn now examines 200 international agencies, including the Bank, Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, however, it is not particularly intended for financial applications, unlike ripples, since it is suitable for low currencies conversion.

Yet, there are advantages of atherium: many partners, authenticity and smart agreement.

And if it is not really the main threat of attack, but the name of Stellar is a very well-known system?

Stellar, direct competitor of replaysf655598f1668b8797668f371599c26d6.jpgAt the beginning of the journey, Stella and Replel were similar, because J. McKelb took part in the creation of both currencies. Nevertheless, there are significant differences between them today, even though they occupy the same niche

The most important event in the company's history took place in October, when IBM announced a partnership with Stella and ClickX in the South Pacific region to increase cross-border payment processing speed. The project designed to speed up the count of 12-TI regional banks, its own IBM block and IBM Token known as Lumen.

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Despite many partnerships on financing, they use "core" for the crypto currency platform, as in the case of IBM and Steller Partnerships, derivative tokens are often made more often.

Trading in both systems very fast and inexpensive: The ripple price takes about a few seconds, and also takes a few seconds, the sidereal also claims payment for 1-100 seconds at the cost of US $ 5000 per transaction. Ethereum network transactions take longer and cost much more expensive

The Steller Development Fund is a non-profit organization whose goal is to extend access to banking services, when the block system is able to exchange virtual currency without the participation of banks.

Replley is a nonprofit organization, but it mainly focuses on the security of transactions with large financial institutions. However, this does not mean that relationships with large companies are notorious for the stellar, but the agency's standpoint is somewhat different.

There is a significant advantage over the sparkling tripple - this network is considered to be very central centrally, although the Staller Development Fund controls the most lumens.

There was a tough time in 2015, when the founder, McClelb, kept the company and its funds were frozen. Then it is clear that the Ripple Board can prohibit everything that does not like them, and it is not all like a standard decentralized model. There was no such episode in Stellar's history.

While it is impossible to say which among the competitors would be better in the long run, but the investor should monitor the fate of starter in Ripple.

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