How Teaching English Online Provides My $1000 P/M Crypto Investment!

Looking back at early 2017, I was comfortable.

I had a steady job that brought home a moderate income and I also dabbled in other online projects that provided me a second passive income steam. However, at the time I didn't feel like I had the necessary means (or balls) to invest this money into stocks, cryptos or precious metals as I relied on it to pay my bills, fund my personal expenses and start to build an emergency cash fund in case of unforeseen circumstances (car repairs, medical emergencies etc.).

I did however, have time. A lot of it.

Although my working day starts pretty early, I am normally home again by 4pm and don't work weekends, giving me ample free time to go out, explore my city, go to the gym, or on most days, watch multiple hours of YouTube videos. Although this is great, as I do believe that a healthy work/life balance is important, more often that not it resulted in spending rather than saving or investing.

Something needed to change.


I knew that I wanted to invest more of my capital into crypto currency since I started my initial investments back in 2016 and started to see consistent returns on my investments. However, it was time to scale up and try to make some real profits to help secure my future but I needed to find another source of reliable and steady income to peruse this project.

As an English teacher, I knew that my skill set for teaching , my knowledge of the English language and my past experience could help me but most of the extra work I found online was either poorly paid or on short, temporary contracts. I felt like I had enough time in the day to dedicate an extra 2-3 hours each weekday evening to work and pump all of the extra money that I earned from this venture into investing in crypto currency as I didn't have the worry of actually needing this cash. I would simply look at it as bonus cash.

And so... after wading through various online communities and teaching websites, I found Dada ABC.



Dada ABC is an online teaching platform for teachers or anybody with a good knowledge of the English language to share their English skills, teaching 1-on-1, 30 minute classes to Chinese students aged between 4-18. As the classroom and the platform applications are online, teachers can work from anywhere in the world providing they have a decent internet connection.

Teachers can work both full-time or part-time and can pretty much do as many hours they require depending on the amount they wish to earn. The minimum teaching hours required per week is 4 and depending on your available time, you can go all the way up to 20, 30 or even 40 hours if you so wish. With a starting rate of around 110-140 RMB per hour (approx. $16-$25 US) depending on your qualifications, interview and trial class, this was a great opportunity for me to reach my goal of investing $1000 US per month.



There are obviously some basic requirements that you need to have in order to successfully pass the application and interview stage, and I have listed the main ones below:

The requirements are a little strict but this is only to ensure that the applicants are well vetted and the company maintains its high standing in the online teaching community.

  • A very high knowledge of the English language (speaking, listening and writing).
  • A computer with a high quality webcam (720hp/1080hp preferred).
  • A headset with a microphone.
  • A stable internet connection. (LAN cable connection is preferred over a wireless connection). Min download speed of 10Mb/s and a min upload speed of 2Mb/s).

It is also worth noting that native English speakers, those of us who use English as our first and primary language are much preferred to non-native speakers although they do accept non-native speakers dependant on their fluency. It is also an advantage, but not a requirement to have some kind of teaching qualification such as a TEFL or TESOL certificate.

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After passing the application phase and also passing the interview/computer test phase (online Skype interview is required), you will be invited to choose a set amount of hours that you are available to teach. Now, it has to be said that they do like you stick to these hours quite religiously once you have set your initial schedule. My advice would be to start at a lower volume of hours until you find your feet and then increase your hours as you become more comfortable. It is a lot easier to increase your hours than to commit to a larger schedule and ending up having to reduce your teaching time due to a high work load. It also has to be noted that the contracts with the company are rather long (6-12 months), so you also need to think about your future plans before signing a long term contract.

As for my hours, I settled on the following;

Monday, Thursday and Friday: 2 hours (6-8pm BST)
Tuesday and Wednesday: 3 hours (6-9pm BST)

This schedule provides me with 12 hours teaching time per week. I like to keep my weekends free but classes are also available all day Saturday and Sunday.

This amount of hours plus the monthly bonuses for attendance, reporting and overall high working practices enables me to bring in the extra $1000 US per month that I use solely for investment into crypto currency and building my financial portfolio.



With anything online, there are always pro's and con's to every venture and I hope to give you a quick overview of certain things that you should definitely consider before applying.


  • Huge company, trusted, secure and always pays on time. (Salary is sent by either bank transfer or through Paypal on the 14th of every month).
  • Pick your hours, do as little or as much as your time allows.
  • Very healthy hourly rate for online work. (Approx. $16-25 US per hour depending on experience, interview and trial class).
  • Well structured bonus and reward system for punctuality and high standard of work.
  • Work from anywhere in the world.


  • Lengthy commitment due to a 6-12 month contract.
  • Set and strict teaching hours after your initial schedule has been set-up.
  • Most weekday teaching hours are in the evening time in China, so this may affect your availability depending on where in the world you are located.



If you have a passion for teaching, a good knowledge of the English language and you're interested in earning either a second income online or adding an extra income stream for investing, you can check out the application for Dada ABC here:

NOTE: I always want to be honest with you guys and the Steemit community in general, so I should say that this IS a referral link and I may earn a few bucks if you do end up applying AND working for Dada ABC for more than a 30 day period. However, this is not the primary reason for the post and you are in no way obliged to use this link. If you are not in favour of using referral links and want to sign up anonymously, you can apply directly by visiting the Dada ABC website which can be found by searching "Dada ABC" on Google.



So, there you have it. This is exactly how I am able to invest an extra $1000 per month on crypto currencies and building my financial portfolio without fear of investing money that I might need for my everyday living. Sure, it means a working a couple of extra hours in my day and gives me a little less time for spending cash on the mundane things I really don't need but it is extremely rewarding, profitable and provides me with much larger investment capital .

If you would like to invest more capital into crypto, pay off your mortgage, take your family on holiday or even if you just want to increase your monthly earnings, I can highly recommend Dada ABC to start you on the path to financial freedom and an increased standard of living!


Phil (@stansolo)

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