Incredible ability to crypt, which everyone missed.

Crypto currency has one incredible ability that everyone missed, including Satoshi Nakamoto himself. But it is, and its strength is greater than anyone can imagine. It is stronger than a hurricane that will sweep away old orders and laws from the face of the planet.

This is an invisible ability. And it is still inactive.

But when she wakes up, she will spread lightly across the planet, changing every aspect of society's life.

In order to understand what it is, you have to understand something in the history of money.

Money is present in the life of every person and few people are left indifferent. Money attracts and disgusts. They determine the outcome of wars and help create wonderful works of art. So it is more surprising that people in the mass know about money very little.

The rise of money in the whole history of mankind is due to the fact that money is power. And pseudoscience economics is just an ideological cover for the modern formula of democracy. In fact, democracy is the power of money. And no one knew this better than the kings of the ancient world. That's why they introduced a monopoly on coinage. They turned gold into coins, which they paid their soldiers. Soldiers bought goods in local shops. And in the morning the king sent his soldiers to the traders with a simple message: "Pay taxes with these coins or you will be killed immediately"

And this is almost a complete story of money in one paragraph.

Monopoly on the coinage of coins, coercion and violence - that's the whole secret of modern power. When power passed from monarchs to national states, the function of printing money passed to the state. Then there were bankers who took away this function from the state and through this elementary law they manage the whole world to this day.

The reason is simple: centralized systems are easily managed and just as easily destroyed by simple decapitation. Cut off the head of the snake, and this is the end of anyone who dares to challenge the authorities, the state and its divine right to create money.

In 1996, the first attempt was made to create an alternative currency for E-Gold. In 2004, the system had more than 1 million accounts, and at its peak in 2008, it processed payments of more than 2 billion. The US government, in the service of the owners of money, arrested four founders of the system and charged them with money laundering . The company was destroyed, and the founders went bankrupt.

in 2017, the founders of the Bitfinex exchange and Tether crypto-currencies were summoned to the US Commodity Futures Commission and as early as 2018, the company "placed" deposits with Goldman Sachs, in other words, it was absorbed by the same bankers.

Kings and national states know this golden rule: "Controlling money - you control the world." And so it was for thousands of years. The very first emperor of China Qin Shihuang (260-210 BC) abolished all other forms of local currency and introduced a single copper coin. The plan was simple. Eliminate alternative coins, create one coin to control everyone and use cruelty and blood to maintain their power at all costs. Ultimately, any system is vulnerable to violence. And violence is the monopoly of states. Pavel Durov recently told Forbes that "humanity is enslaved by organized criminal groups that call themselves" states. " And I want to believe that Durov knows this most important advantage of money.

In decentralized systems, it is impossible to cut off the head. They are a hydra. Having chopped off one head, you get a dozen others.

As in 2008, an anonymous programmer, working in secret, once and for all dealt with the issue of centralized money and violence. And the first decentralized system of money was born: Bitcoin.

It was specifically designed to withstand coercion and control by centralized authorities.

Satoshi acted wisely, remaining anonymous for this very reason. He knew that they would come after him, because he was the symbolic head of Bitcoin. And rightly so. It remains only to wish him, wherever he was, to remain anonymous until his death.

As in 2008, an anonymous programmer, working in secret, once and for all dealt with the issue of centralized money and violence. And the first decentralized system of money was born: Bitcoin.

It was specifically designed to withstand coercion and control by centralized authorities.

Satoshi acted wisely, remaining anonymous for this very reason. He knew that they would come after him, because he was the symbolic head of Bitcoin. And rightly so. It remains only to wish him, wherever he was, to remain anonymous until his death.

But the resistance to censorship and violence is just one of Bitcoin's incredible features. Many of these key components already work in a number of other crypto-currencies and decentralized application projects, primarily in blockbusters such as Ether and others. And it is the blockade - the most important invention of mankind for the last 500 years. But threefold accounting, decentralization and resistance to burglary and violence are not the true strength of the crypto currency. These are just the mechanisms of the system, how it survives and thrives, bringing new opportunities for human dispersion.

The true strength of crypto currency is the power to print and distribute money without central authority. Perhaps it seems obvious, but I assure you, it is not. Especially the second part of this definition. This power has always rested on the divine right of kings and national states. Exactly until bitcoin appeared. Now this right returns to its rightful owners: to people.

And it will open the doors of world trade, sowing seeds for Star Trek, as an economy of abundance, leaving the Old World order of a clean deficit economy on pages of historical books.

There is only one problem. No one has yet created a crypto currency, which we really need. You see, Satoshi understood the first part of the power, the power to print money. But he missed the opportunity to distribute this money.

The second part is actually the most important part of the whole puzzle. And it was her absence that created a critical drawback in Bitcoin's ecosystem. Instead of distributing money to everyone and everywhere, he rewards the chosen group of miners with money. And in order to become a miner, you need to buy equipment for the same centralized dollars. In addition, these same miners, standing guard over the chaos in the system, holding back much needed software updates as SegWit, and threatening meaningless hard Fork to get more coins.

But what if there is another way? What if we could develop a system that would completely change the world's economic landscape forever?

The key is how you allocate money at the time of creation.

And the first group, recognizing this opportunity and bringing it into effect, will change the world forever. And it will transform it from a world of violence and scarcity into a world of prosperity and creativity. To understand why we should pay the main attention to exactly how money is created and distributed around the world today.

Today, money always starts from the top and flocks down to everyone else. And this is a real pyramid. In fact, we have long had a famous pyramid, with a third eye, on the dollar itself. One of the most serious arguments against bitcoin is that it is a Ponzi scheme or a "classical pyramid". The pyramid scheme relies on the original creators of the system and consists in attracting as many of the suckers as possible. Paying them for attracting new people to the system, and not offering goods and services, in the end, you run out of people who are ready to bring in new money, and everything collapses like a house of cards.

The irony, of course, is that the fiat currencies, that is, state printed money, such as the US dollar, are much closer to the pyramid than bitcoin. Why? Because the fiat money was created at the top of the pyramid by the central banks, and then "flocked" down to everyone else. And the only reason why this pyramid is still alive, in slowing the rate of free distribution. On the way of money are banks, payment systems, taxes. All money is transferred to several large banks, then they are either given to people on credit or they are paid for their work. In fact - the opportunity to receive money at the bottom of the pyramid for ordinary people is limited to only two possibilities - to get them for work or to borrow. In other words, they exchange their current time (through work) or their future time (through credit) for this money.

Let's imagine that the economy is a game. Each person in the system is a player who wants to maximize his advantage and advantage of his team (company, family and friends, etc.) in order to get more money. But to start the game you need to initially distribute the money, because without it no one can play. Distribution of money and creates a playing field.

If you were personally responsible for the money, how would you distribute them over the network? You would like to save as many coins for yourself as possible to set the rules to maximize your personal advantage. This is exactly what any person in their right mind will do to maximize their own wealth and power to keep it as long as possible.

This is exactly what the kings and queens of the ancient world did, and this is what national states are doing today. Today's networks are governed by governments, corporations, aristocracy and bankers. And the rulers of these networks are the most powerful people in society.

Money is a game. Accept this.

Issue money as a reward for using applications or for mining, for people and organizations that have value for the network. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. There are still thousands of ways, but we just did not think about the problem correctly.

In other words, we missed the real strength of the crypto currency: the distribution of money.

The first system, which really can deliver money all over the world to everyone, will lead to an exponential growth of the market, gradually improving the current monetary system, changing it forever. This will establish the initial rules of the game in the most fair manner and also give players who would never have got into the game, the ability to play and compete. The more people can participate in the system, the more effective and valuable the network will become.

All networks by definition have a network scale effect. Adding a new member increases the value of the network for all existing members. Now, new members of the crypto-currency network are added quite slowly. The system is still vulnerable to hacking and violence, since 1% of humanity has not been affected. And if this nascent system can grow very quickly in the shortest possible time, it will become an insurmountable barrier to the rest of the economic universe, which has been based on violence and coercion for thousands of years. And it will be a win not for the units of people at the very top of the pyramid, but for all people on earth. It can finally lead to prosperity for all mankind, and not for a handful of slaveholders.

Those who join the network and help it grow will prosper with it. This will enhance their own value, forcing their wealth to grow faster than at any time in history. Each coin they give to the system will increase their own wealth.

Instead, countries that oppose the crypto currency, trying to disfigure them with arbitrary stupid laws and rules, will ultimately pay the highest price. The system will be distributed around the world, and only the most important rules will be implemented by everyone, because to update the distributed system, a broad consensus of the entire network is needed. Since people usually can agree only on large, significant decisions, no doomed, narrowly targeted and harmful rules will get the approval of the majority.

Suppose a country decides to completely restrict participation in ICO by its citizens or make crypto-currencies illegal. Instead of killing the network, life itself will put pressure on the prohibition states. Only their own citizens will suffer because they will not be able to participate in the development of the new potential that the ICO brings to the ecosystem, draining money from the national economy into competing states where there are no such restrictions. Even worse, if they make the crypto currency illegal, they will simply drive the money underground, as happened in Iran, which will not allow them to receive taxes from their citizens, which will ultimately deprive the state of revenues and contribute to its collapse.

As the system spreads, it will return people control over their own money. Nobody can take your money from you. And this is why people will never give up crypto-currency, do not forbid it.

Of course, not everyone thinks so. Some worry that people will commit crimes using crypto-currencies. But people will always do bad things. They are doing it now and have done before. To disfigure life to all, so as not to let the crimes be committed to those who will commit these crimes in any state of affairs - this is the height of insanity. So far, such prohibitions have not worked and will never work.

People like sheep unreservedly trust their central governments. All they need to do to convince you of the infallibility of their arguments is to complete any of their arguments with the words "protecting children" or "fighting terrorism" and this will be enough to deceive half of humanity by pushing their dirty criminal interests and getting approval of society. Peoples who are accustomed to long, full-bodied life are deceived more easily. A few days in an unstable environment would completely change their opinion. Do not believe me?

Imagine that you now live in Syria. Your housing and all infrastructure is destroyed, your money is gone. You do not want war, but there's nothing you can do about it. Your house is gone, your friends and family are dead, your cans are bombed, and you are expelled. Worse, you do not need anyone. The world has moved from open borders to building walls everywhere. You are not welcome anywhere, you can not stay where you are, and you are ruined.

But what if your money was written in the locker, waiting for you to download and restore your wallet will enter the correct password for its recovery? How much easier would it be to start your life first?

Crypto-currencies, finally, offer us a way to control our own destiny. For the first time in the history of the world, we have a way to create and distribute money without central authority. People will finally get control over the money that they have earned honestly.

Instead of always falsifying anything, we can set up smart contracts when we can not deceive, the block was created for trust and fair competition with clear rules that neither side can change.

But we must think big. We need to find a way to distribute money everywhere, without taking them from other people. Having done this, we will change the world forever. Centralized money is a tight chain around the neck of humanity. Cutting this chain - you can free the world forever.

I would like to add that only a large company with a large number of committed users can use this superproperty. Such a company is definitely Telegram. It is to be hoped that Pavel Durov will take advantage of this opportunity and in the fall of 2018, 200 or 300 million people will immediately become owners and users of the crypto currency in one day.

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