How About Cashing Out All Your Loyalty Points From All Your Loyalty Programs?

That sounded crazily interesting right??. That is exactly how i have been since I bumped into this project through the Qiibee sponsored @originalworks contest. You would agree with me that loyalty program is now a very big part of doing business as the market is becoming very competitive. Various companies and brands offering product and services roll out juicy loyalty programs to keep hold of their customers and also attract new ones.

This brands faces huge problems creating this loyalty programs. Cost of setting up loyalty programs that is the rewards, modes of redemption and other operational risks are major issues of concern for brands. Also the low level of customers response to the loyalty program. The customers on the other hand are not fully satisfied with these loyalty programs for not been able to cashout every points obtained from the various loyalty programs they belong to and this is due to the worthless nature of these points outside the particular brand context.

Last year in the United States alone researchers tallied more than 2 billion loyalty program memberships which means the average United State household belong to about 29 different loyalty programs. But the sad news is that they are only active in twelve of them leaving the points collected from the 17 worthless.1.

Monetizing loyalty points gained from all loyalty programs has been a real struggle. Let me share with you my experience as a case study.. I belong to over 10 local loyalty programs and I must confess that the most rewarding for me is that of my grocery shop and this is due to the fact that I visit my grocery shop at least once every seven days. There's a local airline company which also also offers loyalty points for each flight ticket bought. I have used the airline just twice this year and have obtained 200 loyalty points. The loyalty program states that a customer must reach 2500 points to collect a gift voucher. As we speak, I don't know when next I would travel by air ( as I do this only when the need arises) and how many more years it would take me to reach the 2500 points mark. My 200 points I have obtained so far seems like a waste to me now because I can't exchange it for anything until I get to 2500 points.

This is the more reason I was super exited when I saw the qiibee project. Take a look at a brief introduction of the project by its Co-Founder and CEO.

"We are creating a blockchain powdered loyalty ecosystem which solves the problem of a highly fragmented operationally inefficient loyalty market by providing a loyalty platform and developer interface on which every loyalty application can be tokenized. By doing so, we are able to connect a fragmented market, increase its efficiencies, as well as cut out the central data authority. Gabriele Giancola

What is Qiibee


Qiibee is a decentralized platform that is built on the ethereum network which allows brands to easily set up their own loyalty programs using the developer kit at a very reduced cost compared to what to the current market. The current cost of setting up loyalty programs is huge and very worrisome for most brands. For a global brand, it can run into millions of dollars. With the help of Qiibee developer kit, brands can now easily set up their very own loyalty application on the qiibee ecosystem.

The process is not as tedious as it were before the advent of qiibee. It involves developing the brand application on the platform, estimating the amount for the loyalty program and exchanging it for Qbx tokens.. Once the tokens are acquired the company now have full control of its distribution process and their various to their customers.

picture source : qiibee whitepaper
Qiibeeis a platfrom the brings various brands and customers together. Now lets discuss the most exiting tool in the qiibee ecosystem as a customer- The Qiibee app.

The Qiibee App.

The qiibee app is an open sourced app that allows customers to join multiple loyalty programs and cashing out using a single token and a single wallet. The qiibee aims to connect the fragmented market. A customer can collect loyalty points in the form of Qbx tokens from multiple loyalty programs into a single wallet - The Qiibee Wallet. The app provides an overview of all loyalty programs in the qiibee ecosystem and alert the customer on new programs added to the qiibee platform. The qiibee app is the customers tool for accessing the various loyalty programs, collecting rewards in the form of tokens, exchanging the tokens with other qiibee users and trading the loyalty tokens publicly.

picture source: qiibee whitepaper

Introducing the Qiibee token Qbx: The lifewire of the Qiibee Ecosystem.

The qiibee token is what runs the entire qiibee ecosystem. Brands exchange crypto currencies like ethereum to obtain tokenized points which can be currently obtained in the ongoing private sale and the later scheduled crowd sale for their apps to distribute these point to their customers. Collected tokens from various brands loyalty apps are stored in the qiibee wallet and can be exchanged at anytime to other cryptocurrencies or transfered to other qiibee users.

Tokens can also be obtained from the Qiibee recently announced airdrop where you can obtain up to 300 Qbx and also 50 Qbx is up for grabs by just sending 0.0001 steem to @bountworks including your telegram username and ETH wallet as memo.

Qiibee: Revolutionizing the loyalty program sector.

Qiibee is a great innovation which is currently revolutionizing the loyalty program sector. The prototype was launched late 2016 and it has reached in the last 12 months more than 6 million activities as well as an average time per unit user of 27 min. All this with 75,000 Swiss users (approximately 1% of all swiss internet users). Currently qiibee is partnering with over 900 local swiss brands and international brands such as Subway, Burger King or SBB(swiss federal railway) 2

The stats above shows the enormous imparts which Qiibee has already created in the market. qiibee would totally change the loyalty program sector worldwide with the help of blockchain technology.. More and more brands would plug in the ecosystem as brands would get more engagements on their loyalty apps which means more sales and more profits overriding the initial cost of creating the loyalty app and setting up the program. Customers would have a platform to view all their favourite brands loyalty programs, engage by purchasing products and accumulating the various points collected in a single wallet. This is a great news and I know now that you are as exited as I am knowing fully well that every single point obtained from loyalty programs can now be fully cashed out. Personally I am so passionate about this project and following it closely and hoping the big global brands would plug into the qiibee ecosystem.

Introducing The Qiibee Team

The qiibee team consist of twelve outstanding individuals who have vast expirence in their various fields and currently at the peak of their various careers.

The CEO and Co- Founder Gabriele Giancola has over 6 years experience in the loyalty sector. He knows every part of the sector so well that he decided to create a platform that would correct the so many wrongs in the sector keeping with the 21 century demands. I want to use this medium to appreciate him and his entire team listed below for all their efforts so far in pushing this project to breaking through the global loyalty program sector.







To learn more about qiibee and to get more info about Qiibee please use the following links below.


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