Disbelief - day 30 of the Steemit school 100 day poetry challenge


sky 038.jpg
(every dark cloud will have a silver lining- image by sayee)

disbelief that crypto is treated so
and disbelief that some get away with anything they do
governments controlled by a few
while the masses have to remain a slave

who is trampling the people's rise to freedom
causing fud and preventing true richness
taxing very much so that all their life is a burden
having to pawn lives to the banks and their policies

life was beginning to be nice after cryptos started to be recognized
new ideas and ico's arose
alas, the govt's panicked and fud arose
pushing down many a hope

truth shall win, and that, time will tell
this era shall pass and the golden age shall dawn

@d-pend contest

entry for Announcing the Steemit School Poetry 100 Day Challenge! (Total Prize Fund 2000 SBD)

I write poems to express myself. I started writing at the age of twelve or so and some of my poems were published in magazines for children, a time when print still ruled the world. The internet and the blogging world has helped me write poems. Most of it was as I wrote earlier, to express myself and my thoughts. I have also been a ghostwriter.
Steemit has helped me write with freedom and also earned me very good friends who encourage me to write. I hope my readers will support me and also join in this contest. I am not a student of literature and so I do not consider myself an expert in poetry. It is the judge who will decide.

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image source - top image by sayee's friend and the latter one by sayee

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