Get yourself Ledger nano S or Ledger blue.

Good evening folks. This post is for all who are traders out there or who are carrying a significant amount of bitcoin or ethereum. Now if your anything like me, you've work your butt off to get some of those digital assets in your portfolio. That being said, we do depend on 3rd parties like exchanges or online wallets such as coinbase to keep our wealth safe. Cause at the end of the day, it is your wealth, crypto currencies are worth something and hackers are well aware of that. An exchange such as poloniex or bittrex are meant to keep your cryptos safe but don't count out hackers trying to steal your wealth.

They're getting smarter and believe me they don't give a shit from who they steal from. Impossible? I just read a post today about a guy that was short on bitcoins when checking his bittrex account. Not saying I know how they do it, but I hear that if your computer is affected by malware your funds may well be in danger of being compromised.

I cannot stress this enough, but get yourself a hardware wallet. It's your safest bet to keep your cryptos safe and sound. I recommend that you get the Ledger Nano S or if you want something a little fancier go for the ledger blue. You can get your hardware wallet at Now the demand for these devices are rising so delivery dates may take some time. Could be due to back order, I have no idea but it's well worth the wait in my opinion. Better be safe than sorry! The device simply stores your private key, never exposing it. Even while storing your assets in the device using a compromised computer, it will not affect the ledger at all. Then you could just store ledger in your sock drawer or wherever you think it will be safe. Even if a burglar robs your house or something I doubt he/she will even know what the heck it is anyways. Plus the thing is password protected so again.... it's your safest bet folks! Protect your hard earned cryptos!!


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