I would like to share some knowledge no crypto "genius " will ever teach you when your numbers are down. (Day traders only🌻😘)

Hey guys,

I have been trading crypto for a while. Just like anyone who is self learning and dumping money into it and write it off in my heart as an education fee... like college.

I will keep this short and sweet. I have no gimic to sell, no coin to pump, just a tip for everyone about actually coming up in the cryptogame that I realized myself and not one person has given this tip anyplace I have researched. Its so simple that I HAVE to assume that either it went over everyones head or they are just haters.

Ok, ready?.....

This is only useful for day traders because they have the basic knowledge of how to flip a coin fast, and how to read charts. If you buy crypto and hold for the long term then you probably have no idea that your investment just took a huge shit, until whoever talked you into buying crypto calls you freaking you out. For the long term holders... dont listen to the crypto junkie who got you to buy. Just wait the 5 years or whatever you planned on and check your investment then. No point in selling because your numbers dropped. Its crypto, they always do that, and always come back. If you dont day trade or understand charts and have easy mobility around the market... you are not gona make money anyways. NOBODY makes money investing in something they dont understand.

Ok, heres my tip. you wont thank me when the market soars, you will thank me today.

So, as you watch the satoshies and try to get ahead, trying to bring the value in money up, and dont seem to get anywhere, you lose faith and make a bunch of mistakes, or worse...give up, remember this. The market always bounces back it just takes time. When you day trade an hour can feel like a day. You just want to make moves, but when you are not calculating financial gain from any possible move you feel fucked.

Dont trip ... I have the answer.

In crypto, NEVER TRADE WITH THE FOCUS BEING ON THE PROFIT. dont even watch your balance in currency...

The trick to WIN is to trade and only focus on how many coins you have.


Example: You bought ADA for 30 cents each lets say...500 ada coins... a few months ago, but now your money is almost half because ADA is 16 cents each. Thats 500 ADA bought for 0.30 each =$150.00. But now you only have $80.00.

Dont look at the currency, look at the number of coins you hold, then daytrade!

Buy low- sell high.

Litteraly, you can stay inside the bollinger bands and kill it. With the amount not even fluctuating a penny, because your watching satoshies. You can trade a coin 20 times a day if you use this method. This only works for coins that you own alot of. So if you do this with bitcoin... you better have at least 10 of them...to make this work.

As you trade making sure you buy low, sell high..(within the bands, 30 satoshies if its Ada for example) you will watch as the number of coins that you own will go up.

If you can turn 500 coins into 550 in a day, you are winning. No matter if they drop in value the next day. Just keep stacking coins. Turn 500 coins into 1000 coins in ten days. No matter what price they are worth... its all about acquiring and stacking as many as you can. Then....

One of these days, as history teaches... ada will have a major run again. It will go back to .30 cents, or .40 or .50.... and when that happens, you will be ready. That 500 you bought day one, will now be say... 2500 ada. And even if it only goes back to that .30 you paid when you bought in... you will quadruple your money because you have quadruple the coins.

Take my advice and adapt your own strategy to it and make it your own. Then, share how you have perfected this method. Just like you, I am always looking to up my game. Good luck.

(You already win if you understand ^^^^^)


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