TREOS Stable Tokens (TRO - TRE - TREOS) vs Collateral Backed Stable Tokens (USDT - XAUT - DGX)


So its seems stable tokens are gaining popularity in the blockchain space, providing a safe heaven and secure store of value for those seeking alternatives to fiat currencies. We are also now seeing a growth in tokens being backed by proven assets such as gold and other precious metals, whether it be a way to tokenise the ownership of such asset or simply a way to stabilise the value of a once considered volatile currency. My belief is that this is crucial step towards mass adoption of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, the days of crypto being manipulated by pump and dump schemes is coming to an end and users are looking for ways to utilise this technology for its intended purpose. I have always stated amongst my peers that the biggest mistake that was made during the early adoption faze of blockchain technology was the creation of the first crypto to fiat exchange, which opened the doors for people from the fiat world to enter the space with no intension except to make profit. The blockchain world is much bigger than that and I can only imagine where it would be today if users could only receive released crypto currencies through support and contribution of each project. At this stage we are seeing more crypto in the hands of those who don't understand its potential than those who are working everyday to make this technology possible, the topics seem strongly focused on value and profit instead of growth, adoption and user cases.

One of the first stable tokens created and adopted on multiple platforms was Tether (USDT) which is a token anchored to the value of 1 US Dollar which quickly grew in popularity across multiple exchanges as it was used as a safe heaven during times of volatility, users were able to exchange crypto currencies such as Bitcoin at their peek for USDT securing their capital without the need to exchange their crypto into a actual fiat currency. Although this service has been a great use for many crypto traders, it is still flawed by the fact it is anchored to the value of an unstable fiat currency system. In the past 1000 years we have seen 100's of fiat currencies come and go, they all have one thing in common and that is inevitable failure. On the other hand precious metals such as gold and silver have stood their ground and have proven to be the most secure asset over time and would be classed as true 'money'. This is why we are now seeing a growth is asset backed stable tokens, anchored to the value of assets such as gold and silver. Although this is a great step forward from USDT it is also not without flaws. The fact that for the past hundred or so years the elite forces of the world have had the opportunity to print endless amounts of fiat currency which is return is then used to purchase and monopolies the ownership of these precious metals, the majority of these assets are owned by very few people. Majority of the worlds gold and silver is stored away in vaults, owned by the elite and there is no true transparency to how much gold and silver is truely in circulation. The value of gold and silver is heavily manipulated and is now plagued by the same systems that control fiat currencies, gold and silver is no longer used in the everyday consumer world and is mostly seen as a store of value, although in most cases the majority of these assets are kept and stored by the elite on your behalf.

The idea of tokenising these precious metals is a huge step forward and as a store of value over time these tokenised assets will hold their value much better than USDT (what you can buy today with 1 USDT will not be as equal in the future), however it may still be a long road before we see the adoption and use of these tokenised assets in day to day living. Tokens such as DGX and XAUT will serve a great purpose and will allow users to hold a stake in a true asset with their ownership being transparent on a public ledger and will allow users to transact peer to peer with a stable token. These tokens are governed by their total supply of assets which are used as a collateral to create the tokens value, however they are not free of risk. Holders of these tokens are still reliant on the elite to store the asset in which it is anchored to and in some cases the amount of tokens being created, if by chance the security of the assets being stored was breached the value of these tokens could be lost overnight. At the end of the day these tokens are nothing but a digital IOU linked to an asset, much like a dry cleaning ticket you would get when dropping off your suit to be cleaned. It is due to these facts stated that the idea of using a collateral backed tokenised asset may not be the best choice moving forward and in someways is going backwards from the possibilities available. Although Gold and Silver has proven it's worth over 1000's of years and has a place in society as a store of value, I am a strong believer that there's a better alternatives now for everyday use and to give the whole world a fresh start.

We have an opportunity to put the power and wealth of the world back into the hands of people and remove it from the elite powers that control this world.

This is where the concept of TREOS started and what it hopes to achieve over time.
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When the conception of TREOS began in 2014, it was foreseen that one day stable tokens would become a big part of the blockchain space providing true money to the people and establishing a new world economy away from fiat currencies. It was decided that although the opportunity to back a token with a collateral was tempting it was seen as a flawed method which lead to the creation of TREOS's new concept, one that would take people back to beginning of a time when money was first created. If we were to take you back to a time well before the creation of the first fiat currency, people traded and bartered using items of value that were considered a medium of exchange such as cowrie shells, beads, barley ect. It was the merchants and consumers of this period who decided the exchange value which was then agreed on by all. A consensus of value was created and it allowed the trade of items in a market place and also gave the people the ability to store value. A simple merchant was able to trade a set amount of grain for a set amount of fish based on consensus, that merchant could then trade those fish for another item based on its agreed value through consensus. Gold and Silver were no different and were used as a medium of exchange. Over time we have seen many forms of money and currency though they all originated from the people and consensus of it's value. We have witnessed this concept be fraudulently manipulated by such things as debasement of currencies and the creation fiat currency. We have witnessed the theft of trillions of dollars worth of precious metals and the endless printing of fiat currency with enormous amounts of inflation bringing the value of a single persons wealth to nothing and at the same time putting the stolen wealth into the hands of the elite few.

What TREOS brings to the table with its concept is the opportunity for everyday people to be part of a new ecosystem and economy, one built for the people by its people. Instead of backing its token with a stored asset as collateral the ecosystem and token value is an agreed consensus by the people who use it. The initial idea is to anchor the value of TREOS tokens to set gold values being 1 gram, 10 grams and 100 grams of gold utilising the latest blockchain technologies available, smart contracts and hard coded applications. It is then up to its people to agree on this value through consensus and to begin using the ecosystem. Merchants currently trading in the current fiat economy have the opportunity to start trading in a brand new economy by listing real world items and services at the agreed value set out by the TREOS ecosystem. By agreeing to list their items and services they are agreeing to a consensus of value and setting precedent of that value, the more merchants and consumers agreeing to utilise the ecosystem the greater the consensus will become. It is not the intension to compete or destroy the current worlds economies but is there to give the people of this world a new option. Users in the current crypto world will have the opportunity to utilise many of the existing stable and volatile tokens currently available through the TREOS platform, however every purchase will result in the merchant receiving payment in TREOS tokens. This is to guarantee stability and security of value for merchants trading within the ecosystem, overtime we foresee TREOS tokens becoming a true form of digital money without ties to the current fiat currencies or existing forms of storing value such as gold and silver. One day a TREOS token will be known by its own name and its own value, one that was set by its people through consensus. We would also like to see TREOS tokens being traded as a primary index pair similar to USDT and BTC on 3rd party exchanges though our intention is to let this happen organically after we have set precedence within the TREOS ecosystem.

The current prototype, proof of concept platform at has recently opened for new merchants to start listing items and services, we have also just completed our first stage of token distribution through a token conversion event which resulted in the conversion of approx. 40 million TREOS Origin (TRO) tokens valued at 1 gram of gold each being handed over to its current ecosystem supporters. This was a non profit event for TREOS and its goal was to hand the initial ownership of liquidity over to its people. Those people now have the responsibility to promote and use the ecosystem for its intended purpose, they are the owners of these tokens and through the platform they have the ability to distribute these tokens to new users utilising the ecosystem. When a new consumer enters the ecosystem they have the option to purchase TRO from the platform which can then be used to purchase goods and services or hold those tokens as a store of value much like USDT or DGX. The liquidity is supplied by those currently holding TRO on the platform, this is how we have initially given ownership of the wealth of the TREOS ecosystem over to the current 5000+ supporting its concept. As stated approx. 40 million TRO have been distributed to these users, however the initial supply of TRO is 121 million. The remaining TRO tokens initially created will be distributed to new and existing ecosystem users through reward programs incentivising users to continue building and using the ecosystem. Such rewards as a 20% bonus to Merchants and a 10% bonus to consumers on the purchase of a product or service, along with rewards also paid through affiliate and commission systems. The aim of the TREOS Origin token and its supply of 121 million tokens is to create an economy and ecosystem of 2 million users, its is at this point of adoption that TREOS will move into its next stages of development and distribution of the TREOS Energy (TRE) token anchored to 10 grams of gold with the aim to exceed 60 million ecosystem users. At this point is where we consider the ecosystem to reach its point of critical mass adoption and would release its 3rd TREOS token, TREOS Fusion (TREOS). Our end goal is to create an equivalent 10+ trillion dollar economy built for the people which is owned by the people.

The creation of all TREOS tokens can be tracked on the EOS blockchain, through the 'mytreosworld' account :

The issuing of tokens can be tracked through following accounts:
TREOS Origin :
TREOS Energy :
TREOS Fusion :

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Amongst many of the TREOS plans for its ecosystem is the idea to provide a Universal Basic Income to its users, this is based on annual inflation of each token. Each token has its own annual inflation percentage being 5% for TRO, 2.5% for TRE and 1% for TREOS. Each user will have the ability to stake each token with a maximum staking cap of 0.001% of the total supply ruling out the possibility of rewards being shared by only a few users, instead promoting the adoption of many sharing in a equal amount of distribution. Inflation is paid on a 72hr bases to those who are staking and to those who qualify through inflation credits earned daily by utilising the ecosystem, with its aim to provide a UBI to those who are contributing and those who need it most. As the ecosystem grows and more tokens are brought into circulation through the UBI system, the amount of tokens that make up a users staking cap will increase as total supply is increased. Unlike the federal reserve that inflates the world currency at will and hands it over to the elite at the peoples expense, TREOS aims to provide this inflation directly to the people who support and use its ecosystem. Putting the wealth back into the hands of the people where it truely belongs. We are all equal on this planet and the resources of this planet belong to us all, not the elite. Those who can afford to escape the rat race and have the capital to mine gold and silver, print money and steal the wealth of the people are in slaving the rest of the population for their own profit resulting in the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. This is never going to stop unless we hit the reset button and start a new economy with a new set of rules, rules made to put those at the bottom in favour.

Its time we all stood up and took back what is rightfully ours ! TREOS is here to make that happen.

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We encourage everyone to join us in our journey to start a new beginning, start by registering an account at and if you would like a more detailed overview please read our analysis document found here :

We cant do it without you !

Thanks for reading

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