So I just cashed out my Altcoins...

I just cashed out of my altcoin portfolio. I had more than tripled my money so I’m pretty happy. I wanna show you guys my top contenders and those that didn’t do so well. Ripple. It went up by ten fold since I bought half my shares and tripled from when I bought my other half. Stellar also had a significant increase, more than double. Tron had a 451% increase. Very happy about that. Cardano has some significant strides in the past week. As for Verge and Binance coin they held pretty strong, only losing 10-15%. Of its value, lost very little compared to what I gained. Iota held its value and raised just a little. I recently bought into Electroneun and Steem. I was going to invest in Steem before when it was like 3 dollars and that doubled since then. But ohwell mistakes made but overall very successful. EOS stayed practically the same, Salt when down a bit, and I was pretty happy with how much Storj went up. Me and my friend went half on these and he said he’s going to Hold all of his. I just sold all of mine and transferred it into bitcoin. So let’s see how this turns out.

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