Buddy, a friendly hand to achieve development and automation success.

Nowadays, in most of the companies, the automation of the processes and the development of efficient applications, together with the great variety of tools and technologies that currently exist, are more than a help, an obstacle for the developers of these applications.

It is also important to note that carrying out each of the desired automation involves a huge expenditure of energy, time and dedication for each of the organizations that wish to do so.

However, a group of people observing these facts created Buddy, a set of experts in this field with the knowledge and willingness to help others not only to achieve the goal of automation but also to allow them to be unconcerned about it in order to be able to take care of perfecting the final touches and the implementation of said automation.

Buddy is not new, Buddy exists since 2007, that is, they have 11 years of experience and since 2015 they have focused on perfecting and automating the application development process, offering this knowledge, expertise and help to the organizations that are getting involved. In this type of innovation in your business, the Buddy team of experts has been dedicated to make improvements and updates periodically, even doing them on a weekly basis in order to have available the best and most efficient in regard to the development of applications.

This dedication and commitment is an immediate consequence of the burden of responsibility that the team of Buddy knows they have on their shoulders, since they are aware that their part of the work must be executable and available as soon as possible, for the purpose of which company can develop and grow rapidly, every company wants to reach its maximum level as quickly as possible and for this they dedicate 100% of their man-hours, to maintain the infrastructure of application development in an optimal state, it consumes many resources, that is why that the team of Buddy offers three possible solutions adaptable to the general view of each organization, which are:

1.) The application development market

As the name implies, this is a place, a market, where developers can freely use more than 80 automated actions, which drastically reduces the time they would have had to invest if they had started from scratch, in this case, by using this market in a very short time you can build and test what you want. Also, in the case of developers, as well as they can use existing ones they can add more actions to the Buddy ecosystem.


In this order of ideas and taking into account the aspect of data security, as a theme always present in these cases, Software Reability Labs offers Securify, a free service with which security tests are automated, thanks to which it increases the quality and security offering the certainty of probity in the security protocols of the application.

2.) Private automation Grid

This application of the tools that Buddy offers, is carried out in cases where it is necessary to handle sensitive information, in this case the user is always in total control of the information, is characterized by having the following structure:


3.) Shared automation Grid.

In this section, the concept to apply is to download the automation of tasks to a network of users with the resources available, this option is recommended in those cases in which confidential information is not handled, as an interesting point it’s important to say that in this case they can use personal computers with at least the following characteristics


This storage capacity is required only while it is used, it’s not a perennial requirement.

Being this the case, the person offering the storage capacity will be rewarded with BUD, the token corresponding to this endeavor.

In this order of ideas, it is important to emphasize that both in the form of shared grid and in private, can complement each other, you can even use one type for a certain process and then the other type for another type of tests, in this way they take advantage of the strengths of both modalities in the development of different stages of the same process. Among the many advantages of doing this, we can mention the fact of being able to run multiple actions, processes or lines of processes at the same time, reducing considerably the time and resources that would be consumed in case of not applying the tools that Buddy offers.

Buddy does not replace supercomputers, its purpose is not to replace them, it simply enjoys strengths that benefit developers, since their goals are achieved more efficiently with available resources thanks to Buddy.

Similarly, Buddy offers alternatives for applications in blockchains, which present several problems as well, such as some failures that could cause the loss of the values accumulated in the virtual market. Thanks to the complexity of this technology and the lack of tools that facilitate the task to developers, this market has been affected to a large extent. However, Buddy also offers automation for the blockchain, greatly facilitating the development of the same, with choosing one of the elements and adjusting a bit the configuration is enough to be compatible with applications based on blockchain, such as


Among the multiple actions that can be automated in this way can be mentioned security, automation, revision of codes, among others.

In another order of ideas, Buddy offers support in relation to the development of operating systems for applications, considering that its shared automation network initiative offers great benefits at this point, since, Buddy offers a universe of templates available to satisfy this need, it’s not even necessary to install something, facilitating this development as well.



The third application would be the blockchain as a service, in this case again Buddy developers offer their knowledge and expertise to facilitate the construction of the blockchain, even, Buddy is able to test a chain of blocks thanks to its ability to fill the blockchain quickly, verifying how it would perform in an environment very close to what reality would be.



BUD is the token used to market, remunerate and develop the economic incentive required in this type of project, the distribution of it is as follows



These funds will be invested according to the following scheme



Also, is interesting to take into consideration the development map



Finally, I mention the talented team whose intellect and dedication has made possible all the options presented above.




Even though technology is advancing by leaps and bounds, we still are the human beings who invented and put into practice the various possible applications of it, however, automation continues to offer wonderful advantages in all the processes in which it is applied. success in the environment of the manufacturing company and now it is expected to maximize its effects in the area of computation and application development, that is why, all the expertise, dedication and knowledge that can be used in these processes should be highly valued, not only because of the intrinsic dedication that it denotes, but because of the infinite possibility of taking advantage of one of the most precious resources currently: time.


Buddy offers all the advantages of the automation of processes, traceability reduction of expenses, increase of the efficiency and effectiveness of the available resources, standardization of processes, security, big increase in the speed of execution of the application and minimization of possible errors, to name a few. The niche in the market for this initiative exceeds any estimate, since it grows with every technological step that takes place anywhere in the world.


Minimizing the time of development, testing and launching the various applications that are currently being carried out is an invaluable contribution to progress, to the process itself and to humanity in general.

If you want to read more information about Buddy, please follow these links:

Visit their Website and read their Whitepaper and Market analysis

Review their You tube channel and their Token Sale or maybe the Bitcoin talk

Join their Facebook, Telegram and Linkedin

And follow them in Twitter

Also you can review their Medium and Github


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