How to Crypto-Trade with Profit 101: Market-cycles

Nearly everything in life repeats itself.

To question the cycle of life is like being unsure whether or not the sun will rise again. Yeah, you could somewhat argue that we’re experiencing a new age of technology, but who’s to say that it hasn’t already happened before? There is a chance we may be living in a simulation anyways. Doesn’t make sense? Let Elon Musk convince you otherwise:

You better watch that video and observe his utter conviction how he presents the argument. Summed up for the guys who can’t watch it (strongly recommend to do it!): If we assume any rate of technological advancement, simulation (games) will become indistingusheable from reality. Even if that would happen in 10000 years, it doesn’t matter on the grand evolutionary timescale. Aliens could’ve beaten us to it and everything we experience isn’t grounded in the „real“ reality.

When you’re done being mind blown, let’s continue:

We’ve established: Life is a cycle, even our technological surge could’ve already happened somewhere else a long time ago and we’re experiencing a phase that has been there before. (I’m obviously not saying it is that way, but there is value in taking this thought into consideration)

So then, why shouldn’t markets repeat themselves? In fact. they do, all the time. original_10667396.PNG

This is BIG news. It means that markets are somewhat predictable. Every idiot who’s along the lines of: „Yeah you can’t predict the markets, it’s impossible, it’s like gambling“ is… an idiot and calling them an idiot perfectly describes their mode of thinking. (This relates back to the „Dunning-Kruger effect“)

Let me clarify: Generally, markets do repeat themselves and become predictable to an extent. They also go through the same cycles on a smaller scale. The art to good trading is the art of timing. If you’re not patient, you will get wrecked.

Let’s look at the Bitcoin-daily chart and look for the market patterns:Bildschirmfoto 2017-09-01 um 11.51.36.png

I’ve marked the biggest waves. See the similarity between them? How they repeat themselves? What goes up must come down.

If you zoom out and look at Bitcoin on a monthly picture, can you guess in which phase we currently are?Bildschirmfoto 2017-09-01 um 11.55.12.png

I bet you do. You wouldn’t be reading this if you couldn’t. Think for yourself, remember?
Trade accordingly.

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