Time to Relax

Are you busy? Feeling run off your feet all the time? I know I feel like this a lot, sometimes completely overwhelmed by all that I need to do each week.

So getting time out is just as important as all the other things in life. Go to the beach, have lunch with friends. Do some mindless exercise. Find a hobby that relaxes you, not one that’s just work of a different type. I’m attempting to find some time in the week where I unplug from studying Crypto and my share portfolio or working, just to take in the scenery and enjoy life a little.

It’s good to be hard working and committed to bettering one’s self but if you burn out, or stress out in the process we’re not helping anyone especially ourselves.

So just take a moment to relax, what needs to be done will still be there tomorrow.

Here is a picture I took whilst relaxing this afternoon with my wife eating fish, calamari, shrimp etc as the sun was setting, just beautiful.

Happy Relaxing, enjoy your life you only have one.


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