For the love of Crypto

The enthusiasm that surrounds crypto currency reminds me a little of the people who line up in front of the Apple store awaiting the release of the next new phone. It’s not always rational the passion that I’ve seen some have towards crypto.

However I can’t help being impressed with the passion some feel for their coin of choice. Some rally to the Bitcoin, Bitcash, Ethereum or Litecoin drum and others are drawn to the possibilities presented by the altcoins, of which there a too many to mention them all. I personally have a little glint in my eye for IOTA, NEO, GAS and Steem of course. Please don’t tell any of the decentralised purists that I got some ripple, “Oh, what was I thinking” It wasn’t my fault I tell you it was the shiny ness the allure of it, sucked me in and got me right in the hip pocket nerve.

Sorry back to being a little more serious. For me the possibility that those who are not served currently by the fiat system, the almost 2 billion people globally who do not have access to the banking system, but have a mobile phone with a 4G connection, these are the people that Crypto has a chance to help, especially if we can stick to the mantra of globally distributed, decentralised and fast cheap if not free transactions.

This may well be the beginning of the cashless “beam me up Scotty” future that brings fairness and equality to all. Let’s not deceive ourselves Crypto has a long way to go to fill the shoes of the current fiat system, and it may end up being, “dare I say it, please don’t stone me to death”, unsuccessful.

But the question has been answered “Can you make a distributed ledger that’s globally accessible via the Internet, that anyone can have access to” well yes sir you can, bitcoins been doing it for years.

Of course like all of you budding multi crypto million and billionaires our there, “feel free to send me some”. I’m hoping for it to succeed beyond my and your wildest dreams. For some that has already become a reality. Those who took the plunge against all the odds and said “@#$&” it, and gave it a go, when the whole world was saying crypto was just a scam, a pie in the sky fantasy, something only dreamers believe.

Well count me in, I’m on the team and taking this wild ride along with all those who have taken to crypto, like a duck to water in the hopes of getting in on a new technological gold rush. It’s gonna be a hairy wild ride but my bet is still on crypto to succeed. where other monitory systems have failed, maybe crypto will be our saving financial grace. So for the love of crypto, I’m in.

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