How to get Bittrex prices into Google Sheets

If you are anything like me, you love to have a google sheet with all your coins listed with their value. - This can be a bit tricky as a non-programmer, as it requires reading API docs, and generally debugging things. So here are some simple instructions on how to get the value of a cryptocurrency into a google sheet.

Step 1: Create a google sheet:

As a non-programmer, it can suck trying to read the API docs. So here is something to copy and paste. It's terrible, but it works for me.

Step 2: Create the code that talks to Bittrex

2.1 Open the script view

## 2.2 insert script
and here it is for copy and pasting:

function Get_Bittrex_Last(market)
// Example inputs are BTC-LTC,BTC-ADA
var url = "" + market;
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
var text = response.getContentText();
var myjson = JSON.parse(text);
var lastprice = myjson.result.Last;
return lastprice;

Don't forget to press the save button

Step 3: Add the market name and the coin amount


You can see the function being called using


Where cell C3 contains the exchange name in this case

and then multiply that by E3 that contains the number of coins - in this example: 100

Step 4: Profit!

And there you have it, you can now create a google sheet that automatically shows you your Bittrex wallet (as long as you keep it up to date)

End note: Updating

Updating in Google sheets sucks for these sorts of functions. The easiest way I have found today is to simply select the cells with the function in, delete it using the 'del' key, then press ctrl-z to undo. And when it undoes, it updates. - Awful, but it works.

3 columns
2 columns
1 column
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