Hodling might not be the best idea in the long time frame.

Technology Tracker Funds from the Dotcom Boom Are Still in the Red

Here's the FTSE Techmark, (the top 100 Tech stocks in the FTSE), from before the DotCom Crash up until today (Jan 2018)

dotcom crash arrows.png

This index has still not reached the same giddy heights of the DotCom boom.

FTSE 100 index itself over the same time period.


Sorry for not overlaying them. But the point here is that investing in technology stocks near the peak and holding was a bad plan.
But, Dollar cost averaging (buying a small amount regularly) tech stocks after the dotcom crash has had a great rate of return, much better than investing in regular stocks.

Lesson: You can still probably make great money in crypto by regular investing over the next few years.

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