The Beginning of the War against the Crypto Currencies

The crypto currencies are the biggest threat to the old financial system or the robber economy which started with the foundation of the Bank of England in 1694. After reaching its latest alltime high last week the crypto currencies have been attacked yesterday by the central bank of China by banning all ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings) from China. This and maybe the crazy hype around a not existing hydrogen bomb in North Korea caused the second big crash in the realm of the crypto currencies in this year. This crash may last again some days but afterwards the market of the crypto currencies will go up again. As we are really witnessing the big riot against the old financial institutions only comparable with the wild cat banks in the wild west of the USA in the second part of the 19th century which also led to a lot of not encrypted currencies. And competition in money is always better than our oldfashioned central banking system which caused poverty, pollution and inequality on this planet.

As the wild cat banks failed at their time the crypto currencies of today will succeed as the financial enemy is only a paper army with paper soldiers, paper tanks and paper hydrogen bombs. The next step in the crypto currency market will be the 225 billion dollar market capitalization or the quarter trillion dollar mark. Beyond the quarter trillion dollar border there will be a worldwide war against crypto currencies but it will also be too late for the old networks to stop it. Maybe it is already too late today as too much people have had a bright view into and made good experiences from a much more interesting world based on the crypto technologies.

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