ALQO Coin Marketing Image - Everything You Need to Know


The above is a marketing image made by the ALQO community to promote ALQO and its ecosystem, to give newcomers a quick insight into what ALQO is all about.

As you guys probably know I like the ALQO project and team, mainly because I have mentioned them a few times here on steemit.
Right now they are a little behind on their roadmap but I still have confidence that they will build what they set out to build, which first will be a kickass exchange and then the rest of their roadmap is very ambitious, if they even complete a fraction of their roadmap ALQO otherwise known as XLQ will be far ahead of many cryptos in the top 100.

if you're interested in ALQO check them out on CMC and also trade them on crypto-bridge until they launch their own exchange, bitfineon.

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