⚠️More FTX fuckery. // Malware, hacks, Sam fleeing to Argentina?


According to a FTX telegram admin FTX has been hacked or someone from the inside stole the money. This includes FTX US and the mobile app.
Outflows of over 600 million USD have been reported.


Apparently malware has also been detected. I only ever used the FTX app as Blockfolio to track my balances. Never connected it to any wallet or did trades with it but I deleted it anyway the second I noticed the app wasnt updating numbers properly.
I hope Im in the clear here. So please, if you use Blockfolio (FTX APP) delete it as fast as you can.

Could be a coincidence (Sure) here but apparently, someone tracked Sams private jet flying to Argentina.


The 600 million USD being extracted from FTX could be inside job and not a hack as some are reporting and here you see his private jet flying to Argentina.
It very much seems like he might have took the money and ran. Now, ofc, this is news a few hours old and hard to verify if hes even on the plane, but if he is, this isnt looking good.

When it comes to Do Kwon, he was pretty much an arrogant incompetent clown that lost people money because LUNA was badly designed garbage. Sam is a different story. It seems his actions were premeditated, his actions thought through and if it turns out he is fleeing to Argentina with 600 million USD he stole this morning he could be in a world of trouble.
Do Kwons and Mashinskys defense can be very simple:

"Wer just fucking incompetent idiots."

Sam wont have the privilege of that defense.


Bankman is under supervision in the Bahamas. He apparently didnt flee to Argentina.

Stay safe. Buy Hive. Screw everything else.

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