The Ultimate Guide to Powhcoin (PoWH3D)

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Proof of Weak Hands 3D is a smart contract built on the Ethereum blockchain. Trading PoWH is done on the smart contract exchange, and it is the world's foremost three-dimensional cryptocurrency investment.
PoWHCoin is kind of a ponzi coins running on a pyramid scheme. As we all know, pyramid schemes and ponzi schemes are investments we are advised to run away from, but PoWHCoin which is built on blockchain technology is meant to be self-sustaining, and last forever—so to speak.
The implementation of smart contracts and blockchain technology to create a sophisticated pyramid scheme makes PoWHCoin an amazing investment opportunity.
With an ideology like the proof of weak hands and smart contracts, PoWHCoin looks likely to live up to its promises of being self sustaining, and with implementation of new codes to tighten up security, PoWH3D promises investors of an end to vulnerability in its network.
Now, let's get to the questions. How does PoWHCoin work? What is a smart contract? What does proof-of-weak-hands mean? How can we invest in PoWHCoin and make profit from this blockchain-based pyramid scheme?

What is PoWH and How Does PoWHCoin Work?

PoWH is a smart contract that offers the service of selling PoWH coins on the Ethereum blockchain. To get PoWH coin on your Ethereum wallet, you will be required to install the Metamask add-on in your browser and connect it to your Ethereum wallet.
The mining algorithm is based on Proof of weak hands (PoWH), and a proof of shilling technology that gives anyone with over 5 tokens the opportunity to stake them as masternode links to the platforms contract. This means the masternode will get 33% of all transaction fees paid by the user you referred (when they're buying) and pay them to you directly.
Trading for PoWH coin is done on the unique smart contract exchange. The tokens are bought or sold on this same exchange. Trading works in a straightforward way, which is one of the reasons why PoWH coin is a self-sustaining coin. Each coin purchased automatically costs 0.0000001 ETH more than the previous one, and each coin sold also costs 0.0000001 less than the previous coin sold.
This means that if there is maximum demand for the coin at any time and there is buying, the coin goes up, and if there is net selling at a particular period the value decreases.
When you purchase a token, the coins are discounted by 10% in ETH value. That same 10% discount is now spread across the network to everyone with PoWH coins as dividend payments, depending on the quantity of coins they hold. So as an investor, for you to recoup your initial capital, you will need the price of the coin to increase by 10% or HODL long enough to earn more dividends that will balance up your capital invested.
To make a lot of money with the system, you will require the price to go up even more or HODL long enough to accumulate lots of dividends to cash in on the amount you invested.
The main idea behind this kind of system is that people will FOMO (fear of missing out) and buy coins, making the value of the coin increase at an astronomical rate. When it gets to a very high and attractive price, holders will be tempted to sell their coins, and this will in effect bring about the reduction in the price of the coin, and "weak hands" will eventually have to sell their coin, thereby crashing the price of the coin.
When it gets to a certain level in the collapse of the coin, steel hands or new investors will believe it is a right time to buy the coins again, when the price are so low, they will start buying again, which will also mean the increase of the price and more payments in dividends, and then people will sell again, collapsing the price. The process continues just like that, making the system self sustaining and a good way to earn lots of profits of you have "iron hands".
This is a kind of pyramid scheme, but this isn't destined to fail like the traditional pyramid scheme that is destined to collapse once and for all when it gets to a certain stage.
The PoWH coin system does not require a massive amount of people to invest for it to be self-sustaining, and for you to make profit, several thousand users who are dedicated, who keep buying and selling, and coming back to buy again can keep the system flowing for a very long time. It is just like a game, but this game is sure to bring dividends and much-desired profit.

What is Smart Contracts in PoWHCoin

Smart contracts are self executing contracts, with terms of contracts between parties involved in a transaction already written into lines of code in the system. The agreements and codes and also the terms of the contract exists in a distributed, decentralised PoWH blockchain network and they are available for everyone on the network to see. The smart contracts coded on PoWHCoin makes it a reliable and trustworthy coin.
This smart contract allows trusted agreements and transactions to be carried out on the PoWH blockchain system, between anonymous parties without the need for a central authority. The whole transaction verification algorithm is already written into lines of codes in the system. Smart contracts created with PoWH3D will make it possible for transparent, traceable and immutable transactions to be conducted on the platform.

PoWH (proof of weak hands) started as a self-sustaining blockchain based ponzi scheme. It was written by Joechen Hoenicke. The first PoWH platform launch was a disaster, containing a lot of bugs which malicious people exploited and sold large amounts of ETH. This prompted the development team to create a massively secure, system known as PoWH3D.
The new code was written from the ground up. This new system combines some great concept from the old system and applies them to a new algorithmic model that will no longer direct money to the first investors everytime. This makes it look less like a pyramid scheme and more like a great investment platform.
By creating a system which brings in massive dividends for any trade carried out in PoWH3D, this coin is truly a three-dimensional cryptocurrency which is worth investing in.

If you've enjoyed this article or would like to learn more please visit Proof of Weak Hands 3D to learn more.

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