Crypto poaches another Goldman Sachs employee

Another Goldman Sachs employee has ditched Wall Street for cryptocurrency.

Richard Kim, formerly an executive at Goldman Sachs, was just hired by Galaxy Digital as their new COO.

Galaxy Digital is a digital asset merchant bank started by Mike Novogratz, who also used to work for Goldman Sachs several years prior.

You may recall hearing the name Mike Novogratz last year as he planning on launching a $500 million dollar crypto hedge fund, using mostly his own money btw.

However, he ended up delaying the launch of that fund late last year as prices had run up too far too fast for him to feel comfortable getting in.

Since that time, he has switched gears to launching a crypto merchant bank.

More ties to Goldman?

This marks the second major higher by Novogratz for his new merchant digital bank from Goldman Sachs.

Luka Jankovic was also hired on at Galaxy Digital earlier this year as well. He worked previously as a hedge-fund analyst at Goldman Sachs.

This move makes at least 3 former Goldman Sachs employees now being employed by Galaxy Digital.

Which actually make sense if Mike Novogratz achieves his goal of making Galaxy Digital the "Goldman Sachs of the crypto space."


However, Goldman hasn't only lost employees to Galaxay Digital.

BlockTower Capital also hired a former Goldman Sachs exectuive in Michael Bucella back in January.

BlockTower, ironically, was founded by Matt Goetz, who also used to work for guess who?!

Yep, that's right, Goetz was a former VP at Goldman Sachs!

It seems many in the traditional finance space are seeing the makings of something big here in the crypto space and are jumping ship in order to get involved in the very early stages.

Stay informed my friends.

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