Qiibee, The program that it will unify the loyalty programs

Qiibee is a program or platform developed in blockchain, its objective is to unify the market of loyalty programs that is currently dispersed. Unify the market by offering a program where users can interact with each other, as it is based on blockchain technology, we will interact as cryptoactive users, but instead of being able to market with cryptocurrencies, users can buy loyalty tokens to interact in the same and exchange points of loyalty between them. Loyalty programs are those that offer us benefits for loyalty or being loyal customers to a specific brand, each brand has a specific program and users or customers to access the program offer several benefits to their users or customers, but for accessing these benefits will have to accumulate a specific number of loyalty points, to access benefits such as discounts on brand products, coupons, among other benefits.

With this program you will improve the user experience, since it will be able to change your loyalty as well as a specific brand for loyalty, as well as another brand and be able to receive a discount or earn something for being a customer with enough loyalty points towards that brand for free and they will be able to try new brands and thus become a customer of that brand. With the system currently fragmenting, users would not have the opportunity to meet new brands or try new products.

This program will change positively when interacting with other programs because if you do not have any loyalty towards a specific brand you can get it in just seconds with the loyalty tokens. This program will unify the loyalty programs and will give a new twist so that new brands and companies are integrated into the program and work together to unify the system and bring new users.

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