Alex Winter Of “Bill And Ted” Gives TED Talk Refuting Propaganda About The Dark Net

Alex Winter, the actor and director best known for his role as Bill in the “Bill & Ted” series, recently gave a TED talk about his research and experience with the “dark web.” The dark web represents private corners of the internet that are not accessed by google or regular web browsers where users can become anonymous and communicate without being tracked.

The anonymity that the dark web offers has made it a target for political attacks and mainstream media propaganda. The establishment insists that the dark web should be banned and that it is a place for thieves, drug dealers, and child pornographers. It is true that all of these things do exist on the dark web, but they also exist on the regular internet as well, and typically in a far greater abundance. In his recent talk, Winter dispels many of the myths about the dark web and shares his background in the anonymous internet.

Winter explained that when he was a teenager thrust into the spotlight at an early age due to his film career, he began to spend a lot of time in the anonymous communities that were developing on the early internet. Over the years, Winter became tied very closely to these communities and the culture that surrounded them. In recent years, the dark web has been under attack like never before, but things came to a climax with the prosecution of alleged Silk Road creator Ross Ulbricht. In the midst of the Silk Road controversy, Winter decided to make a documentary about the situation called “Deep Web” which would explore the Silk Road case and the anonymous internet.

In his recent TED talk he discussed his documentary and the Silk Road trial, and about how the freedom of anonymity on the internet affects everyone.


John Vibes is an author and researcher who organizes a number of large events including the Free Your Mind Conference. He also has a publishing company where he offers a censorship free platform for both fiction and non-fiction writers. John is currently battling cancer , and will be working to help others through his experience, if you wish to contribute to his treatments consider subscribing to his podcast to support at

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