My Year-long Crypto Experience | How Did I Do?

From The Beginning To The Obsessing

Let me start by saying that last year was the most stressful year of my entire life, and I attribute 99.99% of that to Cryptocurrency. In the beginning, it wasn't all that bad. I mean, I had a couple of Bitcoin, and it was super exciting. In fact, I was even getting a full night's sleep back then.

However, as months went on, I continued to purchase more coins: Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, Verge, etc. Because I had so many, I eventually downloaded an app that listed every share of every coin I had purchased. I was refreshing that baby every couple of minutes, day in and day out. It got so bad that I was, in time, waking up in the middle of the night to check that app.

I felt like I was living out a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde movie. One minute, I was the happiest person in the world. All my coins were up, and I would think, "I'm the most talented investor alive. I should probably open up a friggin' Crypto school, or something."

The next minute would hit, though, and I would refresh that app, I would see all my profits slip from fingertips.

Then, not too long after, I would refresh again to see that my coins were still down, and I would regret not selling when my coins were up.

Looking back on it, now that it's all over (I'm referring to the year, not my obsession with crypto), my emotions pretty much looked like a candlestick graph. When those candlesticks were green, I was the life of the party, spewing out crypto-facts left and right. You know, drinks were on me when we were having a "green day". But, when those suckers were red, it was probably best not to talk to me.

From the Obsessing To The Profiting

I'm not going to lie, I made MANY mistakes last year. There were nights when I'd lose $50,000, and I'd have to spend the next several weeks, or months, trying to claw my way back out. But, in the end, here were the numbers:

In total, I invested just over $10,000. (Note: I didn't do this all at once. So, please don't be discouraged from investing if you don't have this much to invest.)
However, this amount slowly grew over time, and when it grew to an amount I was satisfied with, I'd sell off shares of certain coins, and I'd buy smaller ones with the profit I made. I'd wait for those smaller coins to appreciate, sell off some of those shares, and then I'd buy some even smaller coins with that. I continued this process throughout the year.

In case you need a fancy formula to understand my advanced tactics, see below ;)

Buy small coin. Wait for small coin to become big coin. Sell big coin. Buy small coin with profit from big coin. Rinse and repeat.

By December 31st, I had $185,000 in my portfolio. That is around 18x my initial investment. Though I made many mistakes along the way, and though I'm a little baby fish in a sea of whales, I am VERY satisfied with the outcome.

I will continue investing this year, and I hope to make similar returns to last years, but hopefully without so many Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde moments :)

If anyone has questions, or they need help with anything crypto-related, please let me know! If you're looking to invest in cryptocurrency, you can signup at Coinbase or Binance (both affiliate links). If you're against using affiliate links, I'm not offended in any way, and you can use the following two links: Coinbase and Binance. Both of these exchanges are my favorites, Coinbase for Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum, and Binance for several altcoins.

If this post has entertained you, please follow, upvote, resteem and/or consider buying me virtual dinner:

BTC Wallet - 1soLg1LvBeziwzV1MX1RqaCco1B413LQ8
BCH Wallet - 15uhdzZvhHEEtZhtUCdSQZcJNahvC4ZnE2
ETH Wallet - 0x9962b39345388221478901D19A5657464F542445
LTC Wallet - LSURN6E6NHC3WxGduGM1wbLAbabKR9Veks

Legal Disclaimer: This is just my story, and these are the facts. I am in no way telling anyone to invest, but if you do, please do it responsibly.

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