The Story of Casino

Seems like I have been putting some attention to the gaming industry lately. Well it is the fact about Dragon Coin that got me to it. And why so ? Maybe it is because I have never been interested in gambling and I do not believe that money can just come to you in a game or two, anyway I had never been lucky in gambling and my low risk appetite makes me end up taking free cookies, drinking free coffee and waiting for my friends as they continue their games at the table.
If you are like me who has never been bothered much about the world of casino, there are actually more than meets the eye in the whole operations.
Casinos not only serve small time players like you and me, but also the high rollers who can be gambling in a specially arranged tables just for them in their own preferred settings. So just how do they know when there will be a game and stuff, this is where the junket comes in. The junket arranges for high rollers to come to the casino for a game. Often junket also throw in good lavish parties, fancy accommodations, entertainment and fun for the clients. All these only the condition that the players place high bets and fold over at least one time ( could be millions or more).
The problem comes in when the high rollers need to bring their funds over to maybe Macau and if they happen to win more, how to get them back. Junkets traditionally need to pay high interest fees to get these funds arranged, and this is the crucial point.
So what the dragon community and platform aims to do is to reduce the large amount of interest they need to fork out to bring their clients' funds over and back. This can be achieved through the use of use of block chain. The dragon community is also more than just benefiting the niche players and the junkets. Members of DRG will be able to access the platform and enjoy member benefits. Whats more is that the coin can be purchased and also converted back to fiat currencies.

If you are interested in the Dragon coin you can read more about it:

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