How I find people to help with crypto

I do small giveaways on my twitter. This person was one of the 3 $10 winners. He was so excited winning and being able to get his kids something he just randomly messaged me after recieving his prize to offer me a free NFT. It was amazing NFT that I really wanted but I would rather he saved it because could be worth lots one day. That offer made my freaking day though! He had mentioned his kids so I was gonna give each of his kids $10 because he had made that offer out of kindness of his heart. I get taken advantage of a lot so I had asked for pic of kids. He replied right away with pic of his 4 kids:) I sent him $40 in BNB for them to get somthing. He replied today with the gifts he got them😍 I'm not rich but can still help change peoples lives with crypto



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