private investment(DDFutures)

DDFutures Trading Limited is a private investment company incorporated in the United Kingdom.
Our strategies aim to generate returns and minimise capital losses during periods of market stress.
Our approach to hedge fund management is based on developing products that can improve the risk-return profile of investors’ portfolios. DDFutures aims to achieve this by creating strategies that are complementary to portfolios with a concentration of equity risk.
Many investment portfolios are highly exposed to equity markets through direct stock market investments with typical diversification approaches adding international equities, property investments and equity focused investment managers. While this represents sound diversification during periods of stable market volatility, during periods of market stress many of these investments may lose value.
Our strategy seeks to deliver superior risk adjusted returns through the economic cycle by investing across a diverse range of proprietary trading models which we use on stocks market, forex and cryptocurrencies markets.
Our office address is 18 Noel St, London, United Kingdom, W1F 8GN.
Registration number of DDFutures Trading Limited is 11123634 (
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