Tau-chain (Zennet) revolution (2016)

Disclosure: This is an analysis of Tau-chain (www.zennet.sc) from 2016.

Block-chain technology is in its birth hours, barely leaving its womb. Flying under everyone's radar in the world of crypto and blockchain is Tau-chain. It's being lead by a brilliant computer scientist & mathematician, Ohad Asor, of the Intelligent Decentralized Network Initiative (www.IDNI.org). The Tau-chain is a platform (decidable programming language) that allows for essentially any P2P application to be developed, operating across a (decentralized) Zennet. Tau-chain is grounded by logic, reason, and ontology. Tau-chain's block's can be separate of each other (e.g. different P2P Apps), Nomic in nature. The block-chain inside Tau-chain follows its own rules & laws, can be changed and updated. Most importantly all preceding blocks can only be accepted under the required conditions of the code of the client itself. As Ohad puts it best, “Every block (Tau-chain) contains the definition of the network (application)”.

What the Tau-chain is about:
“Expressing laws in a decidable language only and collaboratively form amenable social contracts without diving into paradoxes” - Ohad Asor

Tau-chain's mathematics and logic system is more flexible than Ethereum. Turing complete languages are incomplete when its comes to logic. Tau-chain follows Monadic second order logic, that allows for program synthesis. Whereas no human intervention is needed to the program to figure out if a statement is true or not. Simply, it will be impossible for Tau-chain application developers to produce buggy code due to Tau-chain's automated mathematical proof requirements. Tau-chain's versatile approach to developing P2P applications assures if one Tau-chain application falls, other Tau-chain's operating through Zennet won't fall with it. Hence, multiple P2P apps can operate independently one another, across Zennet.

Most immediate market for Tau-chain is renting out idle home PCs needed to operate computational requirements of the Tau-chain client. Agoras, the intelligence of Zennet, is a means to rent out computational power across Zennet. The parties that do rent out their computational power could be rewarded with Agoras. As little as 8,000 unused PCs (equivalent computational power of a supercomputer) would be easy enough for Zennet to process the entire data spreadsheet of the semantic World Wide Web. This will allow for new ways in processing search engines. The Tau-chain intends to create a marketplace of knowledge while operating as a “closed electronic economy” that no other economy can offer. Agoras being the means to tap Zennet for its P2P services. Marketplace of experts, e.g. mathematicians, programmers, IP holders, consultants, etc. would be able to provide services across Zennet. Tau-chain solves the issue of trust between the client and clientele. As long as P2P application code meets the requirements of Tau-chain's proofs, the potential for P2P applications are tremendous (e.g. new methods in data query, forums, universities, voting, etc.).

The most important Tau-chain concept is its ability to allow “people's thoughts can be met and unified cleanly”. Tau-chain is analogous to the Apple app store when it comes to P2P applications. The Zennet allows for exponential growth for crypto currencies to flourish in new markets, through Tau-chain. It is not a technical issue for Tau-chain to adopt Bitcoin, Ethereum, or the 1000’s of other crypto currencies into Zennet. Crypto “eBay”, “Napster”, “Facebook”, “Google” all can be created in the Zennet by implementing Tau-chain. Rather than centralized capital remaining collected by a few, Zennet is a means for trillions in (crypto) capital to flow back to the general population though P2P Tau-chain apps.

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