The Adoption of Crypto Currencies will Accelerate Faster Than Anyone can Imagine.

Predicting the Rise of Digital Money.

Humans are not very good at predicting the future. Predicting where the use of digital currencies will be in 5, 10 or 20 years is a fools game but I am happy to be one of the fools. I saw this article talking about the adoption of autonomous vehicles and it got me thinking.

I truly believe people who are betting that crypto currencies are not going to spread like wildfire have their head in the sand. Imagine if your business was horse carriages in 1900. You were humming along making a good living and then you saw a car on the streets. You might have thought, "that is cute but there is no way regular people will buy those things". Within 3 years the numbers flipped and if you were in the horse buggy business you were crushed.

The Power of Decentralized Crypto Currencies.

Last week we saw India ban the 100 and 50 Rupee notes. The War on Cash is well underway. The great thing about the internet and free markets is that we don't have to use the digital currencies that the governments force upon us. Their currencies rob the wealth of the people through inflation and control.

If you have been a user of Bitcoin over the last few years you have seen your wealth protected. Bitcoin and most crypto currencies are much less inflationary than government currencies. Banks are now paying negative interest rates to hold your cash! Did you know that if you had 1,000 Dash set aside in a Dash Master Node you would be earning 1% monthly? What bank can compete with that?

Crypto Currencies also offer us the opportunity to transact securely, rapidly and if you desire anonymously. The competition for digital cash is underway and the century of government cash monopolies is threatened. The benefits of going digital with crypto currencies is immense.

This year Anabell and I decided to take our business $200 Social in a different direction and that meant accepting crypto currencies. We want to be the Social Media Company to the Decentralized Economy. So in order to do that we had to start accepting crypto currencies as payment for our services. It was the best decision we have ever made for our business! If you are wondering how we manage to run a business using crypto currencies you can read these articles.

Access Your Bitcoin Using the Wirex Bitcoin Debit Card.
Paypal Shenanigans? Time To Use Bitcoin and Crypto-Currencies.
Panama Cost of Living
Bitcoin and Dash CTM/ATM Now Available
How I Just Bought Plane Tickets to laBITconf in Argentina Using Bitcoin on aBitSky

Where is Crypto Currency Adoption Heading?

The great thing about the adoption of crypto currencies is that it is not going to be the typical players that make it happen. The unbanked people of the world will be the ones who provide the fuel of growth. Did you know 2.5 billion of the worlds population do not use banks? This makes me giddy with excitement. The only entry requirement to use crypto currency is a smart phone! Imagine what happens when companies like Tigo CTM have thousands of Bitcoin/Dash CTM's deployed around the world. It is already happening here in Central and South America.

You can Either be Involved or Sit on the Sidelines!

I don't know how you feel but this is the most exciting thing I have ever been involved in. Whether it is blogging on Steemit, promoting Arcade City and their decentralized economy, chatting with Christoph about the direction of BlockPay or opening a Bitcoin Embassy in Panama with Ira Miller. All I know is that the direction of growth for crypto currencies is to the moon.

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