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All things Crypto

Let me begin with saying I am not a TA expert. I am also not in the technology field.

What I am good at is combining TA (both my own and others), research, decision making and above all else I am patient.
I hope to start a blog that is about all things crypto. It will not be focused on just TA, news, or me just giving suggestions. I want it to be used more as a platform for me to help those who have questions. I also want others to feel free to post with helpful information and for them to be rewarded for helpful posts.

I know there are many others blogging about crypto (some of them are great and I follow them as well). But i feel lately the responses in their threads are actually more helpful than the bloggers themselves yet they receive no reward for their hard work and helpful input as the bloggers do not take time to respond or upvote helpful posters

So if you are a crypto enthusiast or just starting out, please follow and lets work together. I will be adding content as much as possible but will also take recommendations. If you have any questions at all just let me know. If it deserves a separate blog i will do so, if not i will just reply. All helpful input will be rewarded. I hope this will be not just a platform for myself but for others to contribute.

Thank you

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