New To Crypto and Seeking Information on the 'Tether Conspiracy'

Hi, I'm Drew. I'm a librarian and a newly anointed crypto-currency enthusiast.


Being a librarian, well, research is my first instinct. And in my early research into crypto-currency, specifically bitcoin, I came on quite a bit of noise surrounding 'Tether' and a so-called 'Tether Conspiracy' linked to an artificial inflation of bitcoin and, by extension, crypto-currencies in general.

On the farthest side of the conspiracy spectrum is an individual by the name of John le Bon. Below is a link to a podcast he guested on where he discusses his thoughts about Tether and Bitcoin in depth:

Cryptonic - Ep 62: Occulture Podcast

He also chatters away on Youtube quite a bit:

Jon le Bon's YouTube Channel

Now, I'd like to point out again that I am new to crypto-currency and am assuming positive intent and wanting to join the crypt-currency community, particularly here on Steem.

I would, however, like to open a channel of communication regarding these fringe thoughts about Bitcoin, Tether, and cryptocurrency in general.

I look forward to hearing all of your thoughts.

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